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询问正确的背景调查 RFP 问题


收集此信息的最有效方法之一是通过 RFP 或征求建议书。本博客概述了最常见和最重要的问题类型,以及在审查潜在背景调查服务提供商的 RFP 时要寻找的内容。

在开始 RFP 流程之前


接下来,您的背景筛查解决方案的目标是什么?您希望加快招聘时间吗?您是否正在快速成长并需要一家能够跟上您的业务量的公司?您是否正在全球扩张并需要一个能够支持您的全球业务量同时实现每个国家/地区的最佳实践的供应商?RFP 前准备是帮助您迅速选择合适供应商的关键。

解读来自不同筛查提供者的关键区别可能具有挑战性。寻找熟悉该行业的人力资源顾问可以帮助您在选择新的筛选合作伙伴时做出明智的决定。Morris Group Consulting 的资深筛查和风险管理专家 Jason Morris 解释说:“获取供应商列表以向其发送 RFP 很容易,但提出正确的问题、确定您的需求并找到合适的人选才是艺术的用武之地玩。寻求外部行业专家将有助于确保您做出正确的决定。我们的目标是找到一家公司来帮助保护您的资产、员工和客户,而错误的选择可能会对您的业务产生巨大影响。”

在 RFP 过程中要询问的主题类型以及原因

1. 合规


2. 客户服务 


3. 候选人经历 


4. 背景调查背后的方法论


5. 集成

最后,重要的是要考虑与您的背景筛查提供商一起启动和运行所需的跑腿工作。如果您目前有一个申请人跟踪系统,那么潜在的背景调查提供商在与您选择的 ATS 集成方面是否有经验?提出问题以了解整合过程,例如需要多长时间以及需要您的团队参与多少。


Adding a new service or technology to your business operations is exciting, and at times, an extensive process. When communicating with various potential service providers, it is important to ask the right questions to make sure your new provider is a mutually good fit. For HR professionals, this is an opportunity to address company needs and for the background screening provider to illustrate why they are the best fit.

One of the most effective ways to gather this information is through the RFP, or request for proposal. This blog outlines the most common and important types of questions to ask and what to look for when reviewing the RFP from your potential background screening service provider.

Before starting the RFP process

Before you begin your search for a new background screening provider, it’s important to note the issues your business faces with your current screening process. Doing so allows the provider to propose how their solutions stand out from the rest and how they can resolve your current business issues. For example, do you have specific requirements or non-negotiable items? Present this information at the beginning of your search to save you time on selecting the right provider.

Next, what are the goals of your background screening solution? Do you hope to speed up your time-to-hire? Are you rapidly growing and need a company that can keep up with your volume? Are you expanding globally and need a provider that can support your global volume while fulfilling best practices per country? Pre-RFP preparation is key in helping you select the appropriate vendor promptly.

Deciphering key differentiators from various screening providers may be challenging. Seeking an HR consultant who is familiar with the industry can help you make an informed decision when selecting your new screening partner. Veteran screening and risk management professional, Jason Morris of Morris Group Consulting explains, “Getting a list of providers to send an RFP to is the easy part but asking the right questions, determining your needs and finding the right fit is where the art comes into play.  Seeking outside industry experts will help ensure you make the right decisions.  The goal is to find a firm to help protect your assets, employees, and customers, and the wrong choice could have a huge impact on your business.”

Types of topics to ask about during the RFP process and why

1. Compliance

Providers and hiring companies need to abide by compliance-related requirements and regulations that govern pre-employment screening. Asking your potential background screening provider how they plan to assist you in staying informed of changing laws and best practices is an essential part of the selection process. Consider all your hiring locations and whether a provider can cater to special jurisdictions and nuances across the U.S. – and possibly the globe.

2. Customer Service 

Potential providers should be able to speak in-depth about timeliness and responsiveness – especially in today’s tight labor market where time and a candidate’s hiring experience is important. Inquiring about your potential provider’s support model, hours of availability, and methods of reaching them will help remedy future conflicts. Onshore vs. offshore customer service is another important factor in how your provider delivers support to you and your candidates. Asking about the support dedicated to both you and your team as well as the candidate will help paint a picture of how quickly you can get issues resolved. The background screening process is one of the first impressions your candidate has of your company and ensuring that process runs as smoothly as possible will help foster a good impression from the start.

3. Candidate Experience 

A candidate’s experience is a significant factor when it comes to onboarding new hires. The steps that your potential service provider takes to ensure a seamless experience for your candidates can be an important differentiator from other service providers. Is the process mobile-optimized and easy-to-navigate? Are instructions clear for the candidate once the background check is triggered? Asking detailed questions about the process your candidates will experience will quickly paint a picture of how they will feel during the background check phase of the hiring process.  Knowing ahead of time what your candidates can expect can also help you translate the process to your future new hires.

4. The Methodology Behind Background Checks

While background screening service providers have access to the same public records, not all service providers have the same methods for accessing this information or delivering the right or appropriate information back to clients. Asking about the operations behind the check allows you to dig a little deeper and discover differentiators. Asking about the quality control behind the checks, how identity is verified, and how many searches are audited can help differentiate the competition. Evaluating the process that goes into each candidate’s check will help you understand the quality of data when making hiring decisions, not to mention providing insight into potential risks.

5. Integrations

Lastly, it is important to consider the legwork necessary to get up and running with your background screening provider. If you currently have an Applicant Tracking System in place, is the potential background check provider experienced in integrating with your ATS-of-choice? Ask questions to understand the process of integrating, such as how long it will take and how much involvement will be required of your team.

Whether you are hiring a background screening provider for the first time or looking to switch providers, understanding your business needs and communicating them effectively and efficiently to potential providers will help throughout the process.
