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现在,你可能会问,“我们为什么要讨论这个?如今,几乎每家公司都进行背景调查。” 你是对的。根据 HR.com 的一项调查,几乎所有雇主(96%)都进行  某种背景调查。[1]



首先,候选人的背景不仅仅是表面信息。 许多雇主认为背景调查只需要了解有关过去犯罪活动和与前公司的行动的信息。但是,全面的背景筛选远不止这两个类别。



其次,没有“一刀切”的解决方案。 筛选来自不同行业的候选人不仅仅是将社会安全号码插入通用搜索引擎并等待结果。想想看——卡车或拼车司机不负责照顾孩子或老人。财务规划师不会为饥肠辘辘的顾客提供食物。


......而这些类型的不完整支票导致的不仅仅是美元损失毫无疑问,公司会因雇用不当而蒙受损失。员工提升时间、薪酬、培训、设备购买——当错误的人找到工作时,所有这些加起来就会造成现金损失。但不仅如此。据 SHRM.org 称,大多数首席财务官不太担心美元损失,而更多地担心生产力下降、内部冲突和员工士气下降。[2]

糟糕的员工通常无法与同事相处融洽,而错误的选择迫使主管比其他员工花更多的时间来管理他们。[3] 此外,根据 business2community.com 的说法,优秀的员工在被迫与糟糕的同事或经理一起工作时会辞职,从而导致宝贵的公司资源流失。[4] 然后公司必须争先恐后地更换好工人!换句话说,一个糟糕的招聘就像把一块石头扔到湖中央——你可以看到水面上的水花,然后它会波及整个企业。



  • 在不 影响准确性或质量的情况下快速提供全面的结果 。

  • 彻底了解全球、州和城市合规性的细微差别。

  • 承诺在岸,24/7 多语言支持。

  • 为候选人和雇主提供卓越的客户服务。


Now, you might be asking, “why are we discussing this? Just about every company runs a background check these days.” And you’re right. According to a survey by HR.com, almost all employers – 96 percent – run some kind of background screening.[1]

Unfortunately, not all background checks are the same. And that’s the problem – “some checks” can mean “inadequate checks.” And these kinds of screenings cost your business much more than just money.

There are two important things to remember:

First, there’s more to a candidate’s background than just surface information. Many employers assume that a background check only needs to shed light on information regarding past criminal activity and actions with a previous company. But there’s far more to a comprehensive background screening than just those two categories.

For example, a person could be lying about his education or college degree. Maybe his professional experience is exaggerated or purposefully misleading. What if he’s using false or made-up references? Skipping over these potential red flags opens up your business to liability, reputational damage, or legal action.

And regarding the criminal check itself, skipping a deep dive creates potential risk. There are several different searches at the federal, state, and county levels that uncover different types of information, some of which could directly impact the hiring decision.

Second, there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution. Screening candidates from different industries goes far beyond plugging a social security number into a general search engine and waiting for results. Think about it – a truck or rideshare driver isn’t responsible for child or eldercare. And a financial planner won’t be serving food to customers hungry for dinner.

Each of these candidates – vehicle operator, healthcare professional, financial officer, and food service employee – must have the right aspects of his or her background examined per the appropriate regulations and laws.

…and these sorts of incomplete checks lead to more than lost dollars. There’s no doubt that a company loses money with a bad hire. Employee ramp-up time, compensation, training, equipment purchases – all of these add up to lost cash when the wrong person lands a job. But there’s more to it than that. According to SHRM.org, the majority of chief financial officers worry less about the loss of dollars, and more about productivity drops, internal conflict, and eroded employee morale.[2]

Bad hires often don’t get along with co-workers, and the wrong choice forces supervisors to spend more time managing them than other employees.[3] Further, according to business2community.com, great employees will quit when forced to work with bad colleagues or managers, leading to losses of valuable company resources.[4] And then the company has to scramble to replace good workers! In other words, a bad hire is like throwing a rock into the middle of a lake – you can see the splash at the surface, and then it ripples across the entire business.

Reduce your risk of a bad hire.

Bad hires are more than just financially damaging – underneath the surface, they can destabilize a healthy workforce and cause managers to waste valuable time with lost causes. Don’t skimp when reviewing candidates. Run a thorough and accurate background check for each candidate with a screening provider that:

  • Delivers comprehensive results quickly without compromising accuracy or quality.

  • Thoroughly understands global, state and city compliance nuances.

  • Promises onshore, 24/7 multi-lingual support.

  • Provides superior customer service for both the candidate and the employer.

Remember, the wrong hire affects far more than your recruitment costs. That’s why an extensive – not cursory – background screening process is a critical step during the hiring process.
