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在 观火,我们总是很自豪地对他人说,我们完全专注于就业筛选。考虑到这样的陈述,以下是增加我们长期竞争优势的事情:

  1. 流程完全专为就业筛选而设计:与进行 KYC 或其他尽职调查的其他商业调查公司不同,观火等就业筛选公司的所有内部流程都是专为就业筛选而设计的。这意味着我们所有的投资和人力都只专注于使此类流程更好、更快和更高效。

  2. 法律和合规性:与私家侦探不同,我们的流程和报告被用于已建立的组织的就业目的。永远不会处理未经授权的背景调查。

  3. 人力资源友好解决方案:由于重点是就业筛选,我们花时间了解人力资源的需求并帮助解决他们的实际问题。这就是为什么就业筛选公司经常提供在线系统来同步并使 HR 的生活更轻松。


At eeCheck, we are always proud to say to others that we are purely focused on employment screening. With such statement in mind, below are the things that come along which adds to our long-term competitive advantages:

  1. Processes are fully designed for employment screening: Unlike other commercial investigation firms which do KYC or other due diligence, all the internal processes for Employment Screening firms like eeCheck is solely designed for employment screening. The implication is that all of our investment and manpower are focused just to make such processes better, faster and more efficient.

  2. Legal and compliance: Unlike the private investigators, our processes and reports are being utilized for established organizations’ employment purposes. Unauthorized background checks would never be processed.

  3. HR Friendly Solution: As the focused is on employment screening, we spend our time to get to know what HR needs and help to solve their real issues. This is why employment screening firms often provide online systems that synchronize and make HR’s lives easier.

As always, employment screening could add values to your talent acquisition process if executed with good care and benchmarked with the industry standards. Connect with our Hong Kong, Singapore, China or Asia offices today to explore how we can assist you to achieve “better hiring – better hiring process and decisions”.
