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每个 观火 顾问都了解在我们的服务中提供快速周转时间的重要性,尤其是在许多情况下,候选人无法在没有背景调查许可的情况下加入。但是,背景调查的性质需要在此过程中进行大量后续行动和响应,以确保在出现任何问题时立即采取行动。这正是 观火构建我们的团队、角色、职责以及最重要的企业文化的方式。以下是当背景检查过程中需要立即采取行动时,观火 中会发生的情况:

  • 享受并接受任何潜在的挑战——积极主动的心态总是非常重要的!

  • 如有必要,请向团队中的其他专家寻求建议。

  • 考虑所有可用选项并从客户的角度选择最佳解决方案。

  • 如有必要,与所有利益相关者进行清晰的沟通。

  • 分配资源和额外的团队成员来承担项目。

  • Agile and nimble are listed as eeCheck’s core values. We have deliberately selected the word “nimble” to represent who we are and what we believe would contribute to the best and fastest background check.

  • Every eeCheck consultant understands the importance in delivering fast turnaround time in our service, especially in many cases, candidate cannot go onboard without the clearance in their background checks. However, the nature of background check requires a lot of follow up actions and responsiveness in the process to ensure when there is anything comes up, they are acted upon immediately.  This is exactly how eeCheck has structured our team, role, responsibilities and most importantly our corporate culture. Below is what would happen in eeCheck when immediate actions are required in the background check process:

  • Enjoy and take on any potential challenges – a proactive and positive mentality is always very important!

  • Seek for advice from other experts in the team if necessary.

  • Consider all available options and select the best solution in client’s perspectives.

  • Communicate clearly with all stakeholders if necessary.

  • Allocate resources and additional team members to take on the project.

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