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在创立观火背调 之前,我们总是问自己以下问题:

  • 为什么这些背景调查过程如此僵化和缓慢?

  • 背景调查顾问在做事的方式上能更灵活吗?

  • 可以更改背景调查供应商的工作流程以适应我们的工作流程吗?

这就是我们开始 观火背调 的方式,其愿景是改变人力资源世界并使其变得更美好。而且,敏捷性是我们游戏的支柱。
因此,一旦您开始使用 观火背调您将在服务中看到无处不在的敏捷性,例如:

  • 观火顾问花时间了解您的需求和工作流程,并提供建议以改进整个筛选过程。

  • 观火的在线系统不断改进并根据您的需求量身定制。

  • 观火顾问可以灵活地处理候选人,但要遵守商定和经过验证的程序和协议。

  • 观火顾问为您提供从其他客户那里学到的最佳实践。


Prior to founding eeCheck, we always ask ourselves the following questions:

  • Why are these background check process so rigid and slow?

  • Can the background check consultants be more flexible in the way they do things?

  • Can the background check vendors’ workflows be changed to adapt to ours?

This is how we started eeCheck with a vision to change the HR world and make it a better place. And, agility is in the backbone of our game.
Thus, once you started working with eeCheck, you will see agility everywhere in the service, such as the followings:

  •  eeCheck consultants spending time to understand your needs and workflow and give suggestions to improve the entire screening process.

  • eeCheck’s online systems keep improving and tailored to your needs.

  • eeCheck consultants handle candidates with flexibility, yet within agreed and proven procedures and protocols.

  • eeCheck consultants provide you with best practices learnt from other clients.

To provide background check service that truly fit with HR needs, stay agile and flexible is definitely an important factor. Connect our Singapore, Hong Kong and China offices today to explore how we can assist your recruitment team in Asia in their employment screening process.

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