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  • 候选人向这些所谓的“文凭替代公司”订购了名牌大学的伪造本科学位证书。这些证书看起来非常真实,通常带有水印、签名和所有内容。

  • 候选人从学位工厂订购了伪造大学的本科学位证书。由于这些大学是假的,这些学位工厂通常会提供额外的服务来验证假学位,并收取年费。

  • 候选人已获得A大学2年专业文凭,特意将信息改为4年本科学位课程。

  • 应聘者从朋友那里拿了学位证,并在那里更改了个人信息。

与其冒着存储这些假证书的风险,不如让我们今天与 观火团队联系,以实施经过行业验证的协议,以有效地处理当今的教育资格验证过程。

This is an interesting question. According to our experience, there are quite a few different versions of fake certificates, such as the below situations:

  • The candidate has ordered a fake undergraduate degree certificate for a reputable university from these so-called “diploma replacement companies”. These certificates look very authentic and often have the watermark, signature and everything on there.

  • The candidate has ordered an undergraduate degree certificate for a fake university from degree mills. As these universities are fake, these degree mills often would provide an additional service to verify the fake degree for an annual fee.

  • The candidate has obtained a 2-years professional diploma from University A and deliberately changed the information to a 4-years undergraduate degree program.

  • The candidate took a degree certificate from a friend and changed the personal information on there.

Instead of taking the risk of storing these fake certificates, let’s connect with the eeCheck team today to implement the industry proven protocols to effectively take care of the education qualification verification process today.

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