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将背景调查与 ATS 相结合:准备步骤

大多数组织都有动力将背景调查与其 ATS 相结合,以提高招聘人员和候选人的便利性和效率。集成的背景调查使 ATS 成为招聘人员检索候选人信息、向其背景调查公司下订单以及访问候选人背景调查的状态和结果的中心、便捷位置。候选人,因为他们已经通过 ATS 提供的信息可以被背景调查提供者捕获、收集和验证。此外,整合 ATS 和背景调查的过程可以消除重复数据输入,减少两个独立系统之间数据差异的机会,并加快招聘过程。

尽管集成您的申请人跟踪软件和背景调查似乎是一个显而易见的选择,但对于人力资源专业人士来说,这可能是一项艰巨的任务。提前知道会发生什么可以大大有助于获得顺畅的 ATS 背景调查集成体验。


1. 了解并讨论您当前的流程

了解您当前的流程以及您希望收集的有关候选人的信息不仅对您的集成需求很重要,而且对您最终选择使用的 ATS 也很重要。许多 ATS 提供了一组标准的信息字段,可以从背景调查公司输入和输出。根据 ATS,这些字段可能是可定制的,也可能是不可定制的。考虑 ATS 的标准解决方案提供什么,以及是否有根据您希望收集的信息进行定制的空间。


2. 选择您的订购方式


One-Pass – 您的 ATS 收集背景调查所需的所有内容,包括候选人合规文件。 


  • ATS 收集的信息会自动传递给背景调查公司,无需候选人在工作申请流程后输入其他信息。没有额外的步骤或“通过”使流程集中在您的 ATS 中。


  • 一些申请人跟踪系统对哪些信息可以传递给您的背景调查提供者以及他们可以收到哪些信息有限制。

  • 如果您选择此方法,您的组织最终将负责提供合规文件,例如披露和授权表格、权利摘要和管辖权通知,这可能会增加您面临的与法律义务相关的风险。

两次通过 – 候选人收到背景审查公司的请求,要求输入未从 ATS 传递的剩余信息。


  • 此流程允许背景调查公司确保所有适用的合规表格都正确交付给候选人,包括基于他们居住地和工作地点的特殊管辖权表格,最终降低不符合招聘规定的风险。

  • 某些信息仍然可以从 ATS 传递,通过要求候选人提供的信息更少,从而使流程更容易。


  • 这种方法可以为您的周转过程增加时间,因为它取决于候选人提交额外信息以完成背景调查。

最终,您选择的方法将归结为组织偏好。通常情况下,准确背景会提倡两遍方法,因为它对雇主的风险最小。请务必与您的背景调查提供商和您的 ATS 讨论这些选项,以确定基于 ATS 功能和您组织目标的最佳选择。

3. 利用经验

你不应该独自一人。与在执行申请人跟踪软件和背景调查集成方面经验丰富且与主要 ATS 提供商关系密切的背景调查团队合作,将为您和您的候选人提供顺畅的体验。经验使他们能够指导您选择最有效和合规的路线,这些路线与您选择的 ATS 一起使用。

Although integrating your applicant tracking software and background checks seems like an obvious choice, it can feel like a daunting task for HR professionals to take on. Knowing what to expect ahead of time can go a long way toward a smooth ATS background check integration experience.

Ready to Integrate?

1. Know and Discuss Your Current Process

Understanding your current process and the information you want collected on your candidate is important not only to your integration needs, but the ATS you ultimately choose to go with. Many ATS’ provide a standard set of fields of information that can be fed to and from a background check company. These fields may or may not be customizable, depending on the ATS. Consider what an ATS’ standard solution offers and if there is room for customization based on the information you are looking to collect.

Analyzing your needs and current process will be an essential part of the integration process between you and your background check company. This effort should include an initial discovery session to discuss your existing procedures for conducting background checks and discussions around how to streamline your integration.

2. Choose Your Order Method

The method you use to collect candidate information for the background check can influence your turnaround time, compliance risk, and more. Identifying which method works best for your organization serves as a critical step in your integration process. Here are the two order methods you can typically choose from in collecting candidate information for the background check:

One-Pass – Your ATS collects everything needed for the background check, including candidate compliance documents. 


  • Information collected by the ATS is automatically passed to the background check company, eliminating the need for the candidate to enter additional information after the job application process. The lack of the additional step or “pass” keeps the process centralized within your ATS.


  • Some Applicant Tracking Systems have limitations on what information can pass over to your background check provider and what they can receive back.

  • If you choose this method, your organization will ultimately be responsible for delivering compliance documents such as Disclosure and Authorization forms, Summary of Rights, and jurisdictional notices, potentially increasing your exposure to risk associated with legal obligations.

Two-Pass – The candidate receives a request from the background screening company to enter the remaining information not passed from the ATS.


  • This process allows the background check company to ensure all applicable compliance forms are delivered correctly to the candidate, including special jurisdiction forms based on where they live and the location of the job, ultimately decreasing risk of falling out of line with hiring regulations.

  • Certain information can still be passed over from the ATS making the process easier by requiring less information for the candidate to provide.


  • This method can add time to your turnaround process, as it is dependent on the candidate submitting additional information to complete the background check.

Ultimately, the method you choose will come down to organizational preference. Typically, Accurate Background promotes the two-pass method as posing the least amount of risk to an employer. Be sure to talk about these options with your background check provider and your ATS to determine best fit based on ATS capabilities and your organization’s goals.

3. Take Advantage of Experience

You shouldn’t be in it alone. Working with a background check team experienced in performing applicant tracking software and background check integrations, and that has close relationships with the major ATS providers, will allow for a smooth experience for you and your candidates. Experience allows them to guide you on the most efficient and compliant routes that work with the ATS you choose to go with.

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