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全国豪华轿车协会呼吁对优步和 Lyft 进行更好的背景调查

全国豪华轿车协会 (NLA) 呼吁优步和 Lyft 等拼车服务改进其背景调查政策。根据 NLA 最近发布的一份新闻稿,该协会正在“更新”其反对拼车行业的运动。多年来,该协会一直在争取对 Uber 和 Lyft 等公司进行更严格的背景调查,但此次发布表明未来将加倍努力。

NLA 呼吁立法要求拼车公司对所有司机进行基于指纹的背景调查。该协会还希望 药物筛查成为拼车背景筛查过程的标准部分。

NLA 宣布这一消息是在该组织与非营利组织 Promoting Awareness, Victim Empowerment(或 PAVE)合作制作的最近 PSA 之后发布的。PSA 的主角是女演员兼模特帕梅拉·安德森 (Pamela Anderson),并暗示最近对拼车司机的性侵犯指控泛滥可能是背景调查政策松懈的结果。安德森本人是强奸和性虐待的幸存者。

优步和 Lyft 回应了 NLA 和 PAVE 的 PSA,淡化了他们的背景调查无效的建议。两家服务机构都表示,他们的背景调查可以确保乘客的安全。NLA 在新闻稿中驳斥了这一说法,称拼车公司“错过了数千名有犯罪背景的司机”,因此不得不解雇相当一部分员工。

NLA 主席加里·布福 (Gary Buffo) 在谈到这个问题时表示,一个真正“全面”的拼车司机背景调查程序将包括基于指纹的检查,并在“多年前和跨州范围内找到定罪” 。” Buffo 呼吁拼车公司实施面对面采访以及毒品和酒精筛查政策——这两项目前 Uber 或 Lyft 都没有做。Buffo 表示,鉴于美国的阿片类药物危机,在拼车中缺乏药物筛查是不负责任的。

过去,优步和 Lyft 都反对任何扩大背景调查的活动。两家公司都部分依赖于易用性和可访问性来填补其劳动力。如果个人想通过收费来赚取额外的钱,他们可以轻松地注册成为这两种服务的司机。优步背景调查要求 包括驾驶执照和机动车记录检查,并取消在过去七年内被判犯有重罪、性犯罪或暴力犯罪的司机的资格。

拼车公司一再受到抨击,因为他们没有采取足够的措施保护乘客——而不仅仅是保护 NLA。去年,加州立法者审议了一项法案,该法案要求对拼车公司进行指纹识别。该法案没有通过。此前,优步和 Lyft 在德克萨斯州奥斯汀市实施了指纹要求后放弃了该市。一年后,当全州的监管立法取消当地法规时,两家拼车公司都恢复了在奥斯汀的服务。

The NLA is calling for legislation to require ridesharing companies to conduct fingerprint-based background checks on all drivers.The association also wants drug screenings to be a standard part of the rideshare background screening process.

The announcement from the NLA comes in the wake of a recent PSA that the organization produced in collaboration with the nonprofit organization Promoting Awareness, Victim Empowerment (or PAVE). The PSA features actress and model Pamela Anderson and suggests a recent flood of sexual assault allegations against rideshare drivers may have been the result of lax background check policies. Anderson herself is a survivor of rape and sexual abuse.

Uber and Lyft responded to the PSA from NLA and PAVE, downplaying the suggestion their background checks were ineffective. Both services said their background checks do plenty to ensure the safety of passengers. The NLA refuted that claim in the press release, alleging ridesharing companies have “missed thousands of drivers with criminal backgrounds” and have had to dismiss considerable portions of their workforce as a result.

Speaking on the issue, NLA President Gary Buffo said a truly “comprehensive” background check process for ridesharing drivers would include fingerprint-based checks and find convictions “ many years back and across state lines.” Buffo called for ridesharing companies to implement in-person interviews and drug and alcohol screening policies—both things that neither Uber or Lyft do currently. Buffo suggested the lack of drug screenings in ridesharing is irresponsible given the nation’s opioid crisis.

In the past, Uber and Lyft have both fought back against any campaign for expanded background checks. Both companies rely in part on ease and accessibility to fill out their workforces. Individuals can easily sign up to become drivers for either service if they want to make extra money accepting fares. Uber background check requirements include driver’s license and Motor Vehicle Record checks and disqualifies drivers who have been convicted of felonies, sexual offenses, or violent crimes in the last seven years.

Ridesharing companies have repeatedly come under fire for not doing enough to protect their passengers—and not just from the NLA. Last year, California legislators deliberated a bill that would have required fingerprinting for ridesharing companies. The bill didn’t pass. Previously, Uber and Lyft abandoned Austin, Texas after the city implemented a fingerprint requirement. When statewide regulatory legislation undid the local rule a year later, both ridesharing companies resumed service in Austin.

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