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由于背景调查,伊利诺伊大学在 2017 年撤回了 35 个工作机会

伊利诺伊大学公布了 2017 年以来其背景调查政策和工作机会的统计数据。 根据州注册杂志的一份报告,我大学去年因背景调查报告取消了 35 个工作机会。

伊利诺伊大学 于 2015 年更新了背景调查政策,并于当年 10 月实施了新规定。在转变之前,该大学只对工作涉及金钱、儿童或医院病人的人进行就业前背景调查。自 2016 年以来,U of I 一直对几乎所有员工进行招聘前背景调查,包括教授和其他教职员工。 

在新的背景调查政策实施两年后,伊利诺伊大学正在研究这些规则如何影响招聘决定。2017 年,该大学进行了约 11,700 次背景调查。这个数字占了 U of I 三个校区的所有招聘或工作机会:芝加哥、厄巴纳-香槟和斯普林菲尔德。在这 11,700 次背景调查中,有 35 次促使大学取消工作机会。

被撤销的工作机会逐个校园的细分是芝加哥校园最危险的背景调查。在那里,由于背景调查结果,我中的大学取消了 22 个工作机会,相比之下,厄巴纳-香槟校区和斯普林菲尔德校区分别为 12 个和 12 个。斯普林菲尔德校区约有 5,000 名学生,比厄巴纳-香槟分校(截至 2017 年秋季不到 48,000 名学生)和芝加哥(入学人数约为 30,000 人)要小得多。

导致大学撤销就业机会的检查占所有员工背景调查的 0.3%。这个数字比 U of I 的 2016 年统计数据有相当大的上升。在新的背景调查政策实施的第一年,该大学进行了略多的背景调查——11,815 次—— 但仅在 11 起情况下取消了工作机会. 这些数字相当于导致工作机会撤销的背景调查不到 0.1%。 

当我的大学在 2015 年批准新的背景调查政策时,其中一个重大新闻是教授和教职员工对这一变化不满意。到目前为止,该政策似乎几乎没有影响教师:在 2017 年因背景调查结果而撤回的 35 个工作机会中,只有一个是学术专业工作。据《国家登记期刊》报道,另外 34 人是“公务员或其他工作”。

除了 犯罪记录检查,伊利诺伊大学的筛选政策包括其他几种类型的背景调查。U of I 要求某些职位的候选人对过去的工作、教育和专业执照进行验证检查。所有三项验证检查都可以从 GOOHO.CN 获得,参考验证检查也是如此。

The University of Illinois updated its background check policies in 2015, implementing the new rules in October of that year. Before the shift, the university had only been conducting pre-employment background checks on people whose jobs would involve working with money, children, or hospital patients. Since 2016, U of I has been running pre-hire background checks on almost all employees, including professors and other faculty members. 

Two years past the implementation of the new background check policy, the University of Illinois is looking at how the rules have impacted hiring decisions. In 2017, the university conducted about 11,700 background checks. That figure accounts for all the hires or job offers made across U of I’s three campuses: Chicago, Urbana-Champaign, and Springfield. Of those 11,700 background checks, 35 prompted the university to rescind job offers.

The campus-by-campus breakdown of rescinded job offers saw the most red-flag background checks at the Chicago campus. There, U of I pulled 22 job offers due to background check findings, compared to 12 at Urbana-Champaign and one at the Springfield campus. The Springfield campus has about 5,000 students and is considerably smaller than Urbana-Champaign (just under 48,000 students as of fall 2017) and Chicago (where enrollment is roughly 30,000).

The checks that led the university to withdraw employment offers account for 0.3 percent of all employee background checks. The number represents a considerable uptick from U of I’s 2016 statistics. During the first year of the new background check policies, the university conducted slightly more background checks—11,815— but only pulled job offers in 11 cases. Those figures equate to less than 0.1% of background checks leading to job offer rescindments. 

One of the big news items when U of I approved the new background check policy in 2015 was the fact that professors and faculty members were not pleased with the change. So far, it appears that the policy is hardly affecting faculty: of the 35 job offers withdrawn due to background check findings in 2017, only one was for an academic profession job. The other 34 were for “civil service or other jobs,” according to the State-Register Journal report.

In addition to criminal record checks, the University of Illinois screening policy includes several other types of background checks. U of I requires candidates for some positions to undergo verification checks for past employment, education, and professional licenses. All three verification checks are available from backgroundchecks.com, as are reference verification checks.

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