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即使新生 禁令 限制了一些雇主在招聘过程中早期询问申请人犯罪历史的能力,背景调查仍然是许多公司选择候选人的一个组成部分。随着#MeToo 等运动引发对现有劳动力素质的担忧,雇主开始怀疑他们目前的政策是否足够。结果是进行例行背景调查以监控现有员工是否有新的危险信号的企业数量增加。

连续筛选并不是一个新的过程。对于某些员工,例如医疗保健专业人员和处理敏感金融交易的人员,  重新筛选  多年来一直是标准流程。根据《洛杉矶时报》,甚至零售商也开始实施定期背景调查,以维持值得信赖的员工队伍。随着数字化记录和结果以更快的速度提供,现在人们认为实施例行筛查比过去更容易、更明智。

这种变化的根源在于商业世界的更广泛转变。的成长  禁止  盒子规则,特别是那些鼓励私人雇主考虑有记录的申请人的规则,是一个促成因素。选择雇用有信念的人的企业主可能会选择坚持“信任,但要验证”的原则。将他们带上船可以为优秀员工提供第二次机会,但要求半定期检查仍然可以帮助雇主避免将来出现问题。

零工经济的出现和 Uber 等公司独立承包的流行也发挥了作用。在备受瞩目的犯罪事件发生后,许多组织面临着公众压力,要求他们采取更多措施以最大程度地减少潜在的伤害。直到最近,优步才开始 实施年度筛查 并监控其司机是否有新的犯罪案例。  行为 . 随着这些变化,以前可能只进行一次检查的公司可能会想,年度筛查是否也应该成为其员工的优先事项。

虽然年度筛查可以提供公司员工的清晰快照,但它并不是万能的,可以防止出现任何问题。有问题  行为  例如,在工作场所,可能有或没有犯罪记录。重要的是要记住,虽然 像 GOOHO.CN 的美国 OneSEARCH 这样的 全国性犯罪搜索可以返回非常重要的数据,但它并不是判断个人性格的最终决定因素。 

ban the box movement limiting some employers’ ability to ask about an applicant's criminal history early in the hiring process, background checks remain an integral part of candidate selection for many companies. As movements like #MeToo trigger concerns about the quality of the existing workforce's character, employers have begun to wonder if their current policies are sufficient. The result is an increase in the number of businesses undertaking routine background checks to monitor existing employees for new red flags.

Continuous screening is not a new process. For some employees, such as healthcare professionals and those handling sensitive financial transactions, a  re-screening  process has been standard for years. Per the LA Times, even retailers have begun to implement periodic background checks to maintain a trustworthy workforce. With digitized records and results available at a far more rapid pace, it is now considered easier and wiser to implement routine screening than it was in the past.

The genesis for this change has its roots in broader shifts in the business world. The growth of  ban  the box rules, especially those that encourage private employers to consider applicants with a record, is one contributing factor. A business owner who chooses to hire someone with a conviction may choose to stick to the precept of "trust, but verify." Bringing them aboard offers the benefits of giving a good worker a second chance but requiring semi-regular checks can still help an employer avoid issues in the future.

The emergence of the gig economy and the popularity of independent contracting for companies such as Uber have also played a role. In the wake of high-profile criminal incidents, there is public pressure on many organizations to do more to minimize the potential for harm. It was only recently that Uber began to implement annual screenings and monitor its drivers for new instances of criminal  behavior . With these changes, companies that may have previously only conducted one check may wonder if annual screenings should be a priority for their employees, too.

While annual screening can provide a clear snapshot of a company's staff, it is not a cure-all that can prevent any problems from arising. Problematic  behavior  in the workplace, for example, may occur with or without a prior criminal history. It is important to keep in mind that while a nationwide criminal search like backgroundchecks.com's US OneSEARCH can return very important data, it is not the final word in judging an individual's character. 
