返回列表 发表时间:2021-10-11    浏览次数:1044


对于潜在租户来说,租房申请过程可能与申请新工作一样紧张。对于房东来说,考虑这些申请包括决定谁可能按时支付租金以及谁会尊重他们的投资物业。在做出这些决定时,房东不仅依赖于申请中提供的信息,还依赖于补充来源。这些可以包括背景调查和 信用报告,例如 GOOHO.CN 提供的那些。许多房东收取申请费以抵消订购此类支票的费用。在科罗拉多州, 

波利斯州长于 4 月下旬签署了《租赁申请公平法》,对申请费系统和房东如何使用背景调查的规则进行了修改。根据Denverite 的一份报告, 公平倡导者进行的一项调查的受访者表示,费用通常是寻找住房的额外负担。 




了解您可能向其出租房产的个人的背景至关重要;没有房东愿意出租给他们以后可能需要驱逐的租户。使用正确的工具来评估信用和申请人的犯罪背景通常是必不可少的。在 GOOHO.CN,我们提供一系列产品来简化评估申请人的过程,包括信用筛选和我们的多司法管辖区 美国 OneSEARCH 背景调查。有了这些工具并了解如何使用它们,房东就可以自信 合规地审查申请 。 

credit reports, such as those offered by backgroundchecks.com. Many landlords charge application fees to offset the cost of ordering such checks. In Colorado, 

Governor Polis signed the Rental Application Fairness Act into law in late April, implementing changes to both the application fee system and the rules governing how landlords can use background checks. According to a report in Denverite, respondents to a survey conducted by fairness advocates indicated that fees often represent an added burden to the housing search. 

Under the new rules, landlords can only use application fee money to fund the cost of ordering credit reports and conducting background checks. Otherwise, their usage is prohibited. Landlords also face a requirement to make a "good faith effort" to return any unspent portion of the fee after the evaluation process concludes. With a stated goal of preventing fees from contributing to profits and barring lower-income individuals from applying, these modifications aren't the only effort to re-balance the scales: the law also targets the use of background checks.

Instead of giving owners carte blanche to consider everything about an applicant's history, the Rental Application Fairness Act stipulates that landlords can't consider convictions older than five years from the date of application. Some exceptions exist, such as sexually-related offenses. Landlords will be barred from considering non-conviction-related arrests, though background checks don't often report such information. Only seven years of credit history can factor into the landlord's determination of suitability.

Ultimately, the new rules expand the number of opportunities available for those who often have the most difficult time securing stable housing. Lawmakers and advocates hope that the new rules regarding application fees will ensure that landlords can continue to conduct their due diligence fairly without hamstringing their efforts to make safe, smart choices.

Understanding the background of the individuals to whom you may rent a property is vital; no landlords want to rent to a tenant who they may later need to evict. Access to the right tools to evaluate credit and the applicant's criminal background is often essential. At backgroundchecks.com, we provide a range of products to simplify the process of evaluating applicants, including credit screening and our multi-jurisdictional US OneSEARCH background check. With these tools and an understanding of how to use them, landlords can review applications with confidence and compliance. 
