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在医疗领域,信任是无价之宝。无论是医疗器械公司与其客户之间的信任,还是医生与其患者之间的信任,信任都是为成功的医疗保健世界提供资金的货币。在 GOOHO.CN,我们通过提供广泛的产品和服务来帮助医疗保健组织负责任地审查其员工,从而确保信任保持不变。

我们经常与医院、医疗实践、医疗器械公司和其他组织合作,为员工筛查提供支持。我们客户在该领域的经验表明,医疗领域的企业如何依靠 backgroundchecks.com 来保护定义其使命和模式的信任感。


EHOB, Inc. 是一家医疗器械制造商,以一系列有助于预防和治疗深部组织损伤的产品而闻名。EHOB 三年前来到 GOOHO.CN,寻找一家可以在一个服务伞下提供多种类型的就业前背景调查的背景调查公司。

  • 医疗设备制造商 Osprey Medical 使器官成像过程对有风险肾脏因素的患者更安全,包括慢性肾病、糖尿病、老年和心力衰竭。Osprey 想要一种简单的犯罪史筛查策略,用于在将求职者送入临床或医院环境之前对其进行筛查。

  • Samson Dental Partners 为 30 多家牙科诊所提供行政、人力资源、营销和技术支持服务。通过提供此类服务,Samson Dental Partners 寻求帮助牙科诊所更专注于照顾患者。由于 Samson 员工经常处理客户数据和文件,因此该公司需要一家可靠的背景调查公司,该公司可以提供犯罪和别名搜索。

  • 转折点诊所成立于 2003 年,是东巴尔的摩最早的美沙酮诊所之一。该诊所在为巴尔的摩市提供戒毒治疗服务方面发挥着重要作用,巴尔的摩市经常被媒体称为“美国海洛因之都”。五年来,Turning Point Clinic 一直依靠 GOOHO.CN 对其员工进行犯罪搜查和别名搜查。


这些医疗组织中的每一个都在 GOOHO.CN 中找到了宝贵的合作伙伴。他们中的许多人依赖我们提供一系列不同的服务,并欣赏我们的动态功能如何使方便的背景调查服务成为可能。

EHOB 选择我们的部分原因是我们可以执行犯罪历史检查、就业验证检查和教育验证——所有这些都在同一个保护伞下  通过一个单一的联系点。Osprey Medical 很欣赏能够根据公司试图填补的职位的性质在不同级别的业务背景调查包之间进行选择。

We frequently collaborate with hospitals, medical practices, medical device companies, and other organizations to provide support for employee screening. The experiences of our clients in this space show how businesses in the medical field rely on backgroundchecks.com to protect the sense of trust that defines their missions and models.

What They Needed

EHOB, Inc. is a medical device manufacturer known for a range of products that help with the prevention and treatment of deep tissue injuries. EHOB came to backgroundchecks.com three years ago seeking a background check company that could offer multiple types of pre-employment background checks under one service umbrella.

  • Medical device manufacturer Osprey Medical makes organ imaging processes safer for patients with at-risk kidney factors, including chronic kidney disease, diabetes, old age, and heart failure. Osprey wanted an easy criminal history screening strategy for screening job candidates before sending them into clinical or hospital settings.

  • Samson Dental Partners provides administrative, human resources, marketing, and technology support services to 30-plus dental practices. By providing such services, Samson Dental Partners seeks to help dental practices focus more on caring for their patients. Since Samson employees frequently handle client data and documents, the company needed a reliable background check company that could provide both criminal and alias searches.

  • Turning Point Clinic was one of the first methadone clinics in East Baltimore when it was founded in 2003. The clinic plays an important role in offering addiction treatment services to the city of Baltimore, often labeled “the heroin capital of America” by the media. For five years, Turning Point Clinic has been relying on backgroundchecks.com to conduct criminal searches and aliases searches on its employees.

What They Love

Each of these medical organizations has found an invaluable partner in backgroundchecks.com. Many of them rely on us for a range of different services and appreciate how our dynamic capabilities make convenient background check services possible.

EHOB chose us in part because we could perform criminal history checks, employment verification checks, and education verifications—all under the same umbrella and through a single point of contact. Osprey Medical appreciates the ability to choose between tiers of business background check packages depending on the nature of the position the company is trying to fill.
