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为什么需要背景调查?他们是每个 职位的招聘前流程的重要组成部分 吗?


真相:背景调查 是 必要的。这里只是几个原因。


任何 背景调查花费更多的一件事 是糟糕的雇佣。发布职位、招聘候选人、进行面试以及与部分员工打交道的过程意味着每次您需要更换员工时,您都是在花钱或赔钱。糟糕的招聘是一项糟糕的投资,部分原因是您可能需要在几个月内再次重复昂贵的招聘过程。

背景调查有助于确保招聘到好人。 他们寻找暴力犯罪历史 和其他可能将某人标记为对您的员工和客户构成威胁的因素。 他们验证简历信息 以帮助您雇用合格(且诚实)的候选人。 他们会检查参考资料 以告诉您更多关于一个人的性格和职业道德的信息。这些因素都会提高获得好员工的可能性,并且从长远来看,与一系列糟糕的员工相比,您的成本会更低。


假设您经营一家在夏季开展青年教育和充实计划的企业。您雇用某人而无需进行背景调查,只是因为该人被您的一名学生指控性行为不端。当警察逮捕您的员工时,他们得知他是一名注册性犯罪者,过去曾因类似罪行被定罪。受害者的父母起诉您的公司 疏忽雇用,认为您不应该根据他的历史雇用肇事者。




背景调查是每个企业都必须进行的。下次您发现自己问:“是否需要进行背景调查?” 记住要考虑不良雇佣带来的危险。背景调查是对优秀员工、品牌声誉和企业寿命的投资。

every position?

These are questions that employers frequently ask, especially in small businesses. For companies with tight profit margins, the prospect of paying for background checks for every new employee is a tough pill to swallow.

The truth: background checks are necessary. Here are just a few reasons why.

Background checks are your best defense against bad hires

One thing that costs more than any background check is a bad hire. The process of posting jobs, recruiting candidates, conducting interviews, and dealing with a partial staff means that every time you need to replace an employee, you are spending or losing money. A bad hire is a bad investment, in part because you will likely need to repeat the costly hiring process again in a matter of months.

Background checks help ensure good hires. They look for violent criminal histories and other factors that might flag someone as a danger to your employees and customers. They verify resume information to help you hire qualified (and honest) candidates. They check references to tell you more about a person’s character and work ethic. These factors all improve the likelihood of a good hire and will cost you less in the long run than a series of bad hires.

Background checks are your best defense against negligent hiring claims

Let’s say you run a business that operates youth education and enrichment programs during the summer. You hire someone without running a background check only for that person to be accused of sexual misconduct by one of your students. When the police arrest your employee, they learn that he is a registered sex offender with convictions for similar crimes in his past. The parents of the victim sue your business for negligent hiring, arguing that you should never have hired the perpetrator based on his history.

Scenarios such as this one can destroy a business. They bring about huge legal costs and bigger settlements, and they are difficult to fight back against because the employer who failed to run a background check appears to be in the wrong from square one.

Even if a business can weather the financial impact of a negligent hiring suit, the negative public relations and branding fallout of the situation can be enough to kill a company. The best protection against negligent hiring suits is a robust background check strategy.


Background checks are a must for every business. The next time you find yourself asking, “Are background checks necessary?” remember to consider the dangers posed by bad hires. Background checks are an investment in good hires, the reputation of your brand, and the longevity of your business.
