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无论您是 为潜在雇员进行背景调查的雇主 ,还是想知道违反法律将如何影响您的招聘机会的求职者,您都需要了解轻罪和重罪之间的区别。我们回顾了这两种刑事犯罪之间的基本区别,并探讨了什么构成了简单的违法行为。



交通罚单是最常见的违规类型。如果您因超速驾驶 10 英里而收到罚单,您将因违法而受到处罚,但该违法行为不会构成犯罪记录。其他违规犯罪的例子是擅自闯入、乱扔垃圾和噪音违规。这些事件通常不会出现在背景调查中——除非雇主 进行驾驶历史调查——而且如果被问及你是否有犯罪记录,他们也不会要求你回答“是”  



联邦指导方针将轻罪分为 A 类、B 类或 C 类。每个类都有最低和最高刑期,但作为辩诉交易的一部分,法官可以免除监禁时间。以下是不同类别的轻罪的标准句子。

  • A级:最高一年监禁;至少六个月

  • B类:最多六个月的监禁;至少 30 天

  • C 类:最多 30 天的监禁;最少五天





  • A级:终身监禁或死刑

  • B级:25年以上有期徒刑

  • C级:10年以上25年以下有期徒刑

  • D级:5年以上10年以下有期徒刑

  • E级:1年以上,5年以下

在 GOOHO.CN, 我们的犯罪背景调查报告 总是清楚地说明刑事定罪是属于轻罪还是重罪。

running a background check for a prospective hire or a job seeker wondering how a run-in with the law will impact your hiring chances, you need to know the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony. We review the basic differences between these two criminal offenses and explore what constitutes a simple infraction.


Infractions are the least-severe violation of the law. Generally, an offender can resolve an infraction by simply paying a fine. This kind of offense does not show up on your criminal record and rarely necessitates court time, let alone jail time.

Traffic tickets are the most common type of infraction. If you get a ticket for driving 10 miles over the speed limit, you will be punished for breaking the law, but the offense will not contribute to a criminal record. Other examples of infraction crimes are trespassing, littering, and noise violations. These incidents will generally not show up on a background check—unless an employer runs a driving history check—and they do not require you to answer “Yes” if asked whether you have a criminal record.


Misdemeanors are more severe than infractions. Unlike a traffic ticket, a misdemeanor is a criminal offense. Misdemeanors fall into various categories depending on severity.

Federal guidelines classify misdemeanors as Class A, Class B, or Class C. Each class has a minimum and maximum jail sentence, though judges can waive jail time as part of a plea bargain. Here are the standard sentences for different classes of misdemeanors.

  • Class A: Up to one year in jail; minimum of six months

  • Class B: Up to six months in jail; minimum of 30 days

  • Class C: Up to 30 days in jail; minimum of five days

Some examples of crimes that are typically considered misdemeanors are petty theft, reckless driving, vandalism, disorderly conduct, public intoxication, and certain assault offenses. Marijuana possession was a misdemeanor in the past, but that classification is changing as more states legalize and decriminalize the drug. First-time possession of other drugs may also be charged as a misdemeanor depending on the jurisdiction and the amount in possession.


A felony is the most severe type of criminal charge. Federally, a felony is any crime with a sentence of one year or longer in prison—though some states don’t define “felony” at all. The crimes that fall into this category are often violent in nature or otherwise severely damaging, whether to people, property, or both. Examples of crimes that are typically classified as felonies are murder, rape, aggravated assault, manslaughter, burglary, arson, and animal cruelty.

As with misdemeanors, there are various classes of felony based on the severity of the punishment.

  • Class A: life in prison or the death penalty

  • Class B: 25 years in prison or longer

  • Class C: More than 10 years in prison, but less than 25

  • Class D: More than five years in prison, but less than 10

  • Class E: More than one year in prison, but less than five

At backgroundchecks.com, our criminal background check reports always clearly state whether a criminal conviction was classified as a misdemeanor or felony.
