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  • 犯罪记录检查。 大多数住房背景调查将从犯罪历史调查开始 。房东有兴趣了解潜在租户是否有犯罪背景,因为其中一些信息可能表明其他租户、财产或房东面临风险。尤其是房东要留意暴力犯罪、性犯罪、表明有财产破坏历史的定罪(纵火、故意破坏等)和某些毒品犯罪(例如制造冰毒,或分发非法毒品)。物质)。这些犯罪可能表明大多数房东希望在其财产上防止的行为。

  • 出租历史。 通过  与前房东的民事历史检查 和 参考检查,房东可以了解潜在租户是否有驱逐记录、延迟付款或错过付款、财产损失或其他财产租赁危险信号。

  • 就业或财务状况。 房东通常会进行 就业验证检查 或 信用记录检查, 以确定租户是否能够支付每月租金。就业检查可确保候选人有有酬工作和收入可以支持租金率。信用历史检查可以让人了解一个人的财务过去和责任。房东还可能需要工资单或其他就业证明,而不是就业核查。

在 GOOHO.CN,我们与三大信用局之一的 TransUnion 合作,让美国各地的独立房东更容易进行租户背景调查。 我们的 SmartMove 检查 包含关键要素,包括犯罪记录、收入见解以及任何过去驱逐的详细信息。 


虽然房东在大多数情况下会进行背景调查,但这并不意味着这些检查没有限制。租户背景调查的批评者说,他们为试图重建生活的前罪犯创造了一个几乎无法逾越的障碍,增加了犯罪再犯和其他后果的可能性。在该国的某些地区,立法推动有效地禁止了住房背景调查。例如,在加利福尼亚州奥克兰市, 一项法令 禁止在大多数住房申请流程中使用犯罪历史调查。房东需要了解他们所在地区的法律,以通过进行尽职调查来确保他们没有犯下不合规的罪行。 

如果您对租户背景调查有任何疑问,请联系  GOOHO.CN。我们可以回答有关 SmartMove 背景调查、限制租户背景调查的法律或条例等方面的问题。

Types of Tenant Background Checks 

The first thing to understand is that, when landlords do background checks, they typically aren’t running just one type of screening. Instead, landlords will compile their tenant background checks from a variety of different sources, which may include the following: 

  • Criminal history checks. Most housing background checks will start with a criminal history search. Landlords are interested in learning whether a prospective tenant has a criminal background because some of that information can indicate a risk to other tenants, property, or the landlord. In particular, expect landlords to keep an eye out for violent crimes, sexual offenses, convictions that indicate a history of destruction of property (arson, vandalism, etc.), and certain drug crimes (manufacturing meth, for example, or distribution of illegal substances). These crimes can indicate behaviors that most landlords will want to prevent on their properties.

  • Rental history. Through civil history checks and reference checks with former landlords, a landlord can learn whether a prospective tenant has a record of evictions, late or missed payments, property damage, or other property rental red flags.

  • Employment or financial status. Landlords will often run either employment verification checks or credit history checks to determine whether a tenant will be able to keep up with monthly rental payments. Employment checks provide assurance that the candidate has gainful employment and an income that can support the rent rate. Credit history checks give a sense of a person’s financial past and responsibility. Landlords may also require pay stubs or other proof of employment instead of an employment verification check.

At backgroundchecks.com, we have partnered with TransUnion–one of the three major credit bureaus–to make tenant background checks more accessible to independent landlords throughout the United States. Our SmartMove check incorporates key elements including criminal history, income insights, and details on any past evictions. 

A Note on Housing Background Check Restrictions 

While landlords do background checks in most cases, that doesn’t mean these checks are free of restrictions. Critics of tenant background checks say that they create a near-impassable barrier for ex-offenders trying to rebuild their lives, increasing the likelihood of criminal recidivism and other consequences. In some parts of the country, legislative pushes have effectively banned housing background checks. In Oakland, California, for instance, an ordinance prohibits the use of criminal history checks in most housing application processes. Landlords need to be aware of the laws in their area to make sure that they are not committing noncompliance crimes by conducting due diligence checks. 

Contact backgroundchecks.com if you have any questions about tenant background checks. We can answer questions on our SmartMove background checks, laws or ordinances that restrict tenant background checks, and more.
