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并非所有学校背景调查都是教师背景调查——教师只是学区的一种员工类别。其他类别包括管理人员(校长和副校长)、保管人员、厨房或自助餐厅工作人员、图书管理员、信息技术专业人员和 公交车 司机。


教师背景调查 是深入的,因为教师受托教育和监督儿童和青少年。这些工作中滥用或不当行为的可能性很高,这是学校和学区急于避免的风险。因此,教师背景调查通常包括以下几种情况:

  • 犯罪记录检查。 犯罪历史搜索——无论是在 县、 州还是 联邦 层面——是大多数教师员工背景调查的核心部分。学校正在寻找暴力、性虐待、虐待儿童或忽视的历史,尽管其他犯罪,包括毒品犯罪,也可能是危险信号。在 GOOHO.CN,我们提供 美国 OneSEARCH,它不仅可以搜索来自美国和相关领土的 6.5 亿份犯罪记录,还可以搜索性犯罪者登记处。

  • 专业执照检查。 教师必须获得州级许可和认证才能在学校环境中任教。 在最终确定新员工之前,学校通常会采取措施 验证申请人的教师证书。

  • 教育验证。 要成为有执照的教师,专业人士必须拥有学院或大学的教学学位。学校背景调查通常会包含 教育验证, 以检查教师声称的教育和学位是否真实。

  • 就业历史检查。 与大多数其他员工背景调查一样,教师调查通常包括 工作经历调查。这种背景调查允许学校核实教师简历中列出的过去工作,并了解教师的专业经验。如果教师因过去的不当行为被解雇,该背景调查通常会透露该信息。学校也可以使用 参考调查,与老师的前雇主或同事交谈,了解他们的教学风格、职业道德、与学生相处的方式和其他特征。

其他检查也可能是教师筛选过程的一部分。 药物测试 并不少见,因为学校通常是严格的无毒工作场所。一些学校还可能要求对其教师进行持续的刑事监控,以便在现有员工被逮捕、指控或被判有罪时可以通知他们。在 GOOHO.CN,我们很自豪能够 为我们的客户提供 负担得起的持续犯罪监控服务。

需要帮助为您的学校设计有效的背景调查程序吗? 立即联系我们 以获得指导和帮助。

Not all school background checks are teacher background checks—teachers are just one employee category for a school district. Other categories include administrators (principals and vice principals), custodial staff, kitchen or cafeteria workers, librarians, information technology professionals, and bus drivers.

The employee background checks that schools use to vet different workers vary by position. For instance, for a bus driver, a driving history check is a central part of the background check process; most other education-related jobs won’t require a driving history check.

Teacher background checks are in-depth because teachers are entrusted with educating and watching over kids and teenagers. The potential for abuse or misconduct in these jobs is high, and it is a risk that schools and school districts are eager to avoid. As such, teacher background checks will usually include some mix of the following:

  • Criminal history checks. Criminal history searches—whether at the county, state, or federal level—are the central part of most employee background checks for teachers. Schools are looking for a history of violence, sexual abuse, child abuse, or neglect, though other crimes, including drug offenses, may also be red flags. At backgroundchecks.com, we offer the US OneSEARCH, which not only searches 650 million criminal records from across the United States and associated territories but also sex offender registries.

  • Professional license checks. Teachers must be licensed and certified at the state level to teach in a school environment. Schools will often take steps to verify an applicant’s teacher certification before finalizing a new hire.

  • Education verifications. To become a licensed teacher, a professional must have a teaching degree from a college or university. School background checks will often incorporate education verification to check that the education and degree that a teacher claims is genuine.

  • Employment history checks. As with most other employee background checks, teachers checks will typically include an employment history check. This background check allows schools to verify past employment listed on a teacher’s resume and get a sense of the teacher’s professional experience. If a teacher was fired from a past job for misconduct, that information will often be revealed by this background check. Schools may also use reference checks, speaking to a teacher’s former employers or colleagues to learn about their teaching style, work ethic, manner with students, and other characteristics.

Other checks may also be a part of the process for teacher screenings. Drug testing is not uncommon, as schools are usually strict drug-free workplaces. Some schools may also request ongoing criminal monitoring for their teachers so that they can be notified if an existing employee is arrested, charged, or convicted of a crime. At backgroundchecks.com, we are proud to offer an affordable ongoing criminal monitoring service for our clients.

Need help designing an effective background check process for your school? Contact us today for guidance and assistance.
