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就业背景筛查已经从“很好”变成了“必须拥有”。2020 年,估计有 50% 的公司对其员工进行了背景调查

今天,60-80% 的美国组织进行犯罪背景调查,更多的组织正在将过去的工作、教育、信用、驾驶记录、性犯罪者登记、受限方名单和其他就业前检查添加到他们的政策中。但是,尽管背景筛查变得越来越流行,但许多组织在筛查实践中仍然会犯错误。

错误 1:没有制定标准的背景筛选政策

错误 2:不核实就业和教育

错误 3:不检查供应商、承包商、临时工

错误 4:不进行国际检查

错误 5:依赖手动内部流程



background checks on their employees.

Today, 60-80% of U.S. organizations perform criminal background checks and more are adding past employment, education, credit, driving records, sex offender registries, restricted parties lists and other pre-employment checks to their policies. But while background screening has become more popular, many organizations still make mistakes in their screening practices.

MISTAKE 1: Not establishing a standard background screening policy
Having a standard written policy for every job title assures uniformity in checks and that the data is used in compliance with company standards and employment regulations.

MISTAKE 2: Not verifying employment and education
Roughly one third of all resumes contain some kind of misrepresentation and so-called “diploma mills” are rampant. Thorough verification can reveal misrepresentations which, if purposeful, can signal problems of character in a potential hire.

MISTAKE 3: Not checking vendors, contractors, temps
One of the greatest vulnerabilities of companies today is the large number of unchecked vendor-employed workers with access to company facilities and systems. To maintain internal security controls, screening extended workforces should be a standard practice in a company’s screening program.

MISTAKE 4: Not conducting international checks
Today’s talent pool is global. Even candidates that are U.S. citizens may have been educated or worked outside the country. It is just as important to verify international backgrounds as it is for domestic ones — Partnering with a screening provider with proven international capabilities is essential for success.

MISTAKE 5: Relying on manual internal processes
Today’s companies can avoid errors that delay the hiring process or purposeful misrepresentation by candidates by using a proven background screening solution designed to help automate and manage the entire screening program.

It is important to note, effective background screening requires human intervention on the screening provider’s side – criminal checks often require manual checks of court records and files – be weary of fully automated systems with “instant” checks. Finding solutions that combine the best of automation and human investigation provides the optimum results.

By avoiding these five common oversights, organizations can minimize risk and improve screening program quality and efficiency.

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