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将背景调查与招聘软件集成的 4 个技巧



最近影响背景筛查的一些挑战包括: 全球化和国际筛查;增加监管要求;移民政策改革; 协作需求;和筛选扩展的劳动力。考虑到需要以更少的资源做更多的事情,同时缩短招聘周期,很明显,快速、轻松地进行招聘筛选对任何组织都有好处。


随着需求的增加,自动化和集成技术也在发展。筛选管理解决方案可以集成到申请人跟踪系统 (ATS) 中,从而减少工作量、缩短招聘时间、减少出错的可能性,并提高准确性、一致性、流程效率和管理。

事实上,根据 2020 年 观火 背景筛查基准报告,在接受调查的大约 300 家组织中,有一半以上已经或计划将其背景筛查解决方案与其 ATS 集成。 

employment screening has evolved to be a formalized, consistent and highly automated process conducted by most large organizations.

Creating new challenges for employers, business demands driving screening programs have become increasingly complex, fueling the need for management solutions to help HR professionals better cope with new concerns.

Some of the more recent challenges impacting background screening include: globalization and international screening; increasing regulatory requirements; immigration reform; collaboration needs; and screening the extended workforce. Throw in the need to do more with less while reducing hiring cycle time, and it’s clear that making employment screening fast and easy would serve any organization well.

Trends Point to Integration
As the requirements have intensified, automation and integration technologies have evolved. Screening management solutions can be integrated into applicant tracking systems (ATS), resulting in reduced workload, faster time-to-hire, a lesser likelihood of errors, and improved accuracy, consistency, process efficiency and management.

In fact, according to the 2008 HireRight Background Screening Benchmarking Report, more than half of the roughly 300 organizations surveyed have integrated or plan to integrate their background screening solution with their ATS. 

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