回想 2000 年 1 月。就像昨天一样。然而,在 9/11 之前,在技术崩溃之前,在安然公司及其类似的公司丑闻之前,谷歌几乎不是一个名词,更不是一个动词,SOX 是你穿在脚上的东西,对我们的目的最重要,只有 70% 的大公司和不到 20% 的中小型公司对潜在和/或现有员工进行了背景调查。世界在七年里发生了变化,所有的变化都促成了这样一个事实:今天,几乎所有的大公司和超过 60% 的中小型公司都进行定期的招聘筛选——而且这个数字还在继续增长。
自 2000 年以来发生了很大变化,2000 年对您的背景筛查计划有效的方法在 2020 年可能还不够。以下是评估当今背景筛查计划时需要考虑的几项准则和流行做法:
保持合规性。今天的公司必须遵守许多政府和行业法规,例如 FCRA 要求、Sarbanes-Oxley、爱国者法案、联邦存款保险法案等。通过自动背景筛选程序遵守合规性要求有助于降低风险并节省时间和金钱。
让其他人了解情况。员工筛选曾经是公司内只有一小部分人关心的问题。今天,信息必须在不影响隐私、安全或效率的情况下传播给多个位置的许多用户。如果您当前的程序是 Web、软件、电话和传真的组合——所有这些都在不同的位置重复——那么可能是时候重新考虑按需、自动化的解决方案了。
自 2000 年以来,随着对员工和工作场所安全的日益关注,与背景筛查相关的需求和责任呈指数级增长。由于当今就业筛选环境中存在大量复杂性,为了抢占先机,雇主应考虑从利用不同的流程和系统转变为提供真正筛选管理的解决方案。
background checks on potential and/or current employees. The world has changed in seven years and all of its changes have contributed to the fact that today, virtually all large companies and more than 60 percent of small to mid-sized companies perform regular employment screening–and the number continues to grow.
With this new emphasis on background screening, human resources and security professionals are faced with taking a function that may have started out as an afterthought and turning it into an effective, efficient enterprise-wide program. They must also ensure that their programs meet the requirements of company policy, employee safety, federal, state and industry regulations, privacy issues, and the usage requirements of multiple constituencies. It's a big job and must be continuously updated and enhanced as needs, requirements and limitations change.
Much has changed since 2000, and what worked for your background screening program in 2000, may not be enough in 2007. The following are several guidelines and popular practices to be considered when evaluating today's background screening program:
Start with the big picture. Even if your background screening program is large and well developed, it's probably time to step back and thoroughly analyze whether it meets all the requirements, regulations and preferences of the organization with regard to hiring and workforce access. Are there inefficiencies, loopholes or inconsistencies that need improvement?
Decrease your time-to-hire. Every company feels the pressure of the job market when it comes to hiring good people. Getting there first with an offer means improving efficiency by reducing the potential for errors and eliminating redundancy such as needless keystrokes associated with repetitive data entry.
Maintain compliance. Companies today must comply with a host of governmental and industry regulations such as FCRA requirements, Sarbanes-Oxley, the Patriot Act, the Federal Deposit Insurance Act and many others. Adhering to compliance requirements through an automated background screening program can help reduce risk, and save time and money.
Keep others informed. Employee screening was once a concern for only a small group of people within a firm. Today the information must be disseminated to many users in multiple locations without compromising privacy, security or efficiency. If your current program is a combination of web, software, phone and fax–all duplicated in different locations–it may be time to reconsider an on-demand, automated solution.
Consider international screening. Much of today's workforce has lived, been educated, or worked outside of the United States. Build international background screening into your program right from the start so that you are prepared to screen applicants with global backgrounds.
Don't overlook your extended workforce. In 2000, outsourcing was emerging. Today, entire functions are outsourced regularly, granting access to a company's facility, data and staff to a significant number of workers who have not been vetted to the degree of full-time employees. To be consistent and protect your company's resources, a background screening program should have a built-in method for screening the extended workforce without compromising vendor autonomy.
Integrate and consolidate. Wherever possible, save time and effort by integrating background screening into your other hiring programs and consolidate the many steps of the screening process into one solution.
The demands and responsibilities associated with background screening have grown exponentially since 2000, with the increasing focus on employee and workplace security. With the volume of complexity present in today's employment screening environment, to get ahead of the curve, employers should consider shifting from leveraging disparate processes and systems to a solution that offers true screening management.