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  • 他们帮助雇主验证在申请和面试过程中提供的信息。就业背景调查旨在验证候选人是否具有他们声称拥有的资格和背景——帮助确定职位适合性的重要信息。

  • 它们可以让您一瞥候选人的性格。就业背景调查有助于确定求职者在与您的讨论中是否坦率和诚实。背景调查发现的不准确或彻头彻尾的谎言可能是候选人整体性格或道德的关键指标。

  • 它们可以帮助防止工作场所盗窃或欺诈。根据一项研究,所有小型企业的倒闭中有 30% 可归因于员工盗窃。而且,面临风险的不仅仅是小型企业——美国欺诈审查员学院最近的分析表明,组织的年收入平均有 5% 会因工作场所欺诈而损失。就业背景调查可能是确定候选人是否有此类行为历史的重要步骤。

  • 它们可以帮助减轻工作场所暴力的风险。不幸的是,工作场所暴力问题对雇主来说是非常现实的。美国劳工统计局报告称,2014 年美国发生了 400 多起工作场所凶杀案,而 2013年美国工作场所发生了 14,000 多起非致命暴力行为,这些行为严重到员工不得不请假。恢复。就业背景调查可以帮助确定您的候选人是否被判犯有可能对您的组织构成风险的暴力犯罪。

  • 它们有助于保护您组织的声誉。如今,新闻传播速度很快——互联网和社交媒体意味着任何负面故事都有可能立即影响到成千上万的人。如果这个故事是关于您的一名员工没有经过适当筛选怎么办?背景调查对帮助您组织的品牌和声誉大有帮助。



  • 求职者。在传达背景调查的价值时,这可能是您最重要的支持者。对于许多候选人来说,筛选过程很可能是不确定的,甚至是令人恐惧的。平息他们担忧的一种方法是描述候选人如何从背景调查中受益。精心设计的背景筛选程序有助于为那些值得参与竞争的诚实候选人提供公平的竞争环境。它可以帮助招聘人员以更一致的方式做出决定,而增加的公平性对候选人来说是一个加分项。

  • 现任员工。通过主动避开那些在最坏的情况下可能具有暴力倾向或至少可能不像他们暗示的那样合格的候选人,那些已经在工资单上的人可能会在一个更安全的工作场所,也不太可能需要承担更少的负担——比明星租用。

  • 与您做生意的人在与您审查和认可的员工的历史互动时可能会更有信心。这在所有环境中都至关重要,但如果您所在的行业雇用人员进入客户家中,以及受托处理客户投资或其他贵重物品的人员,您可能需要特别注意实施彻底的筛选计划。



As a recruiter responsible for communicating the screening process to these candidates, it may be difficult to dissuade them of that belief.

After all, there are numerous benefits that background checks offer to employers, including:

  • They help an employer verify information presented during the application and interview process. An employment background check works to validate that candidates have the qualifications and backgrounds they profess to have – important information to help determine suitability for a position.

  • They can provide a glimpse into a candidate’s character. Employment background checks help determine whether a job candidate has been upfront and honest in their discussions with you. Inaccuracies or outright lies uncovered by a background check can be a critical indicator of a candidate’s overall character or morals.

  • They can help prevent workplace theft or fraud. According to one study, 30 percent of all small business failures are attributable to employee theft. And it’s not just small businesses that are at risk – recent analysis by the American College of Fraud Examiners indicates that organizations are losing, on average, 5 percent of their annual revenues to workplace fraud. Employment background checks can be an important step in determining whether a candidate may have a history of such behavior.

  • They can help mitigate the risk of workplace violence. Unfortunately, the issue of workplace violence is very real for employers. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that in 2014, there were more than 400 workplace homicides in the United States while 2013 saw more than 14,000 instances of nonfatal violent acts in American workplaces, acts that were serious enough that employees had to take time off of work to recover. Employment background checks can help determine whether your candidate has been convicted of violent crimes which could pose a risk to your organization.

  • They help protect your organization’s reputation. News travels fast these days – the Internet and social media mean that any negative story could potentially instantly reach thousands of people. What if that story were about one of your employees who wasn’t properly screened? A background check can go a long way to help your organization’s brand and reputation.

So, for these reasons and others, background checks benefit the hiring organization.

But what about other stakeholders involved in the process – how might background checks benefit them?

  • Job candidates. This may be your most important constituency when it comes to communicating the value of a background check. The screening process could very well be an uncertain and even frightening one for many candidates. One way to calm their concerns is to describe how candidates benefit from a background check. A well-designed program of background screening helps to facilitate a level playing field for those honest candidates who deserve to be in the game. It helps those doing the hiring to make their decisions in a more consistent manner, and that added level of fairness is a plus for candidates.

  • Current employees. By proactively steering clear of candidates who at worst could be violent or at least might not be as qualified as they imply, those already on the payroll may be in a safer workplace, and also less likely to have to carry the load of a less-than-stellar hire.

  • People doing business with you may feel more confident interacting with employees whose histories you’ve vetted and approved. This can be vital in all settings, but if you’re in an industry that employs individuals who enter customers’ homes, and those entrusted with customers’ investments or other valuables, you may want to be particularly mindful of implementing a thorough screening program.

Employment background checks are an important part of the modern workplace, and can bring immeasurable value to a number of audiences beyond the hiring organization.

By understanding how these various stakeholders may benefit from a well-designed and well-executed program, you can take a big step in helping your candidates see the positive impact.
