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  • 身份检查:根据所进行的类型,有些身份检查几乎是即时的,有些可能需要两天时间。身份检查可能涉及检查驾驶执照或护照或某种国民身份证(如果有)上的详细信息。例如,在 观火背调,雇主可以选择实施社会安全号码跟踪,其中包括社会安全号码的颁发年份和州,验证姓名和社会安全号码属于候选人,以及申请人的历史地址基于候选人建立信用的地方。风险更大的雇主可能会选择使用更全面的搜索资源来完成身份检查。

  • 信用检查:信用检查也可能需要 24 到 48 小时才能完成。它涉及对信用局记录的搜索,旨在提供候选人信用历史的概述。

  • 就业证明:这种检查可能更复杂,需要更长的时间。它涉及联系相关过去雇主的人事或人力资源部门,也可能需要在候选人的配合下核实自雇时间。因此,如果有国际工作需要检查,可能需要两到三个工作日,甚至更长时间。在某些情况下,可能需要申请人签署的授权书,因为没有它,一些过去的雇主不会分享信息。

  • 学术/教育验证:确认候选人的学术成就通常涉及与各个学校和大学的联系,这需要一些时间——典型报告需要两到三个工作日(请记住,这在夏季和假期可能会更长)当学校可能人手不足时)。如果申请人的记录中有国际教育列表,则可能会增加几天时间。大多数机构会确认候选人何时是学生以及获得了哪些学位,但有些机构在分享此类信息之前需要一份发布表格。

  • 专业资格验证:专业资格可能包括贸易组织会员资格,以及认证和执照。完成此类工作通常平均需要两个工作日。

  • 全球观察名单检查:通常可以搜索涵盖潜在恐怖分子、已知欺诈从业者和面临监管制裁的人员的观察名单。这种检查可以在一两天内完成。

  • 刑事检查:时间范围有很大差异,具体取决于您在哪里进行招聘。在美国,刑事搜查通常在一到两个工作日内完成,节假日或法庭人员配备问题除外。有美国境外历史的候选人可能需要 3 到 30 个工作日的时间进行犯罪记录搜索,具体取决于所涉及的当局以及他们在返回结果之前进行检查所遵循的流程。这些过程可能包括手动记录检查、与全国各地的当局联络或在确定多个匹配项时进行深入研究。但一般而言,在美国境外进行犯罪记录检查需要 10 到 20 天。

  • 机动车记录:机动车记录请求需要多长时间很大程度上取决于您搜索的州——可能是几天或几周。

经常询问像 观火背调 这样的筛选提供者是否有任何方法可以加快背景调查。



  • 收集您的相关信息。可能会要求候选人提供关键信息,例如以前的地址、工作日期、以前的工资信息、教育程度的类型等。将所有这些数据放在一个地方可以帮助筛选过程更顺利,还可以避免任何不必要的错误,这些错误也会减慢完成背景调查的时间。

  • 先说实话。通常,当出现潜在的不利或冲突信息时,像 观火背调 这样的提供商受《公平信用报告法》的约束,必须在将信息包含在报告中之前验证信息是否准确。这种质量保证过程——尤其是与为候选人提供机会对报告中不正确或不完整信息提出异议的过程相结合时——确实会减慢整个过程,但法定要求保护候选人。

  • 与筛查提供者合作。筛选提供者有时可能会直接联系候选人,看看他们是否可以帮助促进这一过程。如果提供者遇到诸如学术机构、前雇主或专业推荐人之类的无响应信息源,这种情况尤其常见。候选人的合作——例如,提供替代验证方法,如文凭或旧工资单或 W2 的副本——可能对整个时间表非常有益。此外,如果候选人将某人列为推荐人,重要的是让他们这样做并要求他们快速回应以帮助加快流程。


That’s because the answer is, like many things related to background checks such as cost and scope: it depends.

The reason for such a wide variation in the timeline of the check is that there is a wide variation in the specific elements that make up the background check.

But generally speaking, a typical check usually takes two to four business days barring any unforeseen circumstances or other complications.

That said, some aspects of the process can take longer, depending on individual circumstances.

Here are some examples of the variations and how they might impact the timing:

  • Identity check: Depending on the type conducted, some identity checks are nearly instant and some can take up to two days. An identity check may involve checking the details on a driver’s license or a passport or some kind of national ID card, if available. At HireRight, for example, an employer may choose to implement a Social Security Number Trace which includes the year and state in which a Social Security number was issued, verification that the name and Social Security number belong to the candidate, and an applicant’s history of addresses based on where the candidate has established credit. More risk adverse employers may choose to utilize more comprehensive search sources to complete an identity check.

  • Credit check: A credit check may also take 24 to 48 hours to complete. It involves a search of credit bureau records and is designed to provide an overview of the candidate’s credit history.

  • Employment verification: This kind of check can be more complicated and take longer. It involves contacting personnel or human resources departments at relevant past employers, and may also require verifying periods of self-employment with the cooperation of the candidate. Consequently, it could take two to three business days, or even longer if there are international jobs to check. In some cases, a signed release form from the applicant may be required, because some past employers won’t share information without it.

  • Academic/educational verification: Confirming the academic accomplishments of a candidate typically involves contact with various schools and universities, which takes a bit of time — two to three business days for a typical report (keep in mind this can be even longer during summers and holidays when schools may be understaffed). If there are international educational listings on the applicant’s record, it could add a couple of days to the timeframe. Most institutions will confirm when the candidate was a student and what degrees were earned, though some will require a release form before sharing that kind of information.

  • Professional qualifications verification: Professional qualifications may include trade organization memberships, as well as certifications and licensure. It usually takes an average of two business days to complete this kind of work.

  • Global watch list checks: Searches of watch lists covering potential terrorists, known fraud practitioners, and people facing regulatory sanctions, are generally available. This kind of check can be done in as little as a day or two.

  • Criminal checks: The timeframe varies significantly, depending on where you’re doing the hiring. In the United States, criminal searches are generally completed one to two business days, barring holidays, or Court staffing issues. Candidates with histories outside of the United States could have a criminal records search that take anywhere from three to 30 business days, depending on the authorities involved and the process that they follow conducting the check before returning the results. These processes may include manual record checking, liaising with authorities across the country or in-depth research when multiple matches are identified. Generally speaking though, a criminal records check outside the United States takes between ten and 20 days.

  • Motor vehicle records: How long a request for motor vehicle records takes depends a lot on in what state you’re searching — it could be a few days or a couple of weeks.

Screening providers like HireRight are often asked if there’s any way to speed up the background check.

While there really isn’t any way to make it go faster, since there are so elements out of the candidate and the screening provider’s control, there are things that can slow it down.

You may want to advise your candidates of the following:

  • Gather your relevant information. A candidate may likely be asked to provide critical information such as former addresses, dates of employment, former salary information, types of educational degrees and the like. Having all this data in one place can help the screening process go smoother and also work to avoid any unnecessary inaccuracies that could also slow down the time to complete the background check.

  • Tell the truth up front. Often when potentially adverse or conflicting information comes up, providers like HireRight, are bound by the Fair Credit Reporting Act to verify that the information is accurate before including it in the report. This quality assurance process – especially when coupled with the process of providing the candidate the opportunity to dispute incorrect or incomplete information in the report – can really slow down the entire process, but is statutorily required for the Candidate’s protection.

  • Cooperate with the screening provider. Screening providers may sometimes contact candidates directly to see if they can help facilitate the process. This is especially common if the provider encounters an unresponsive information source like an academic institution, former employer or a professional reference. The candidate’s cooperation – for example, supplying alternate methods of verification such as copies of diplomas or old paystubs or W2s – can be quite beneficial to the overall timeline. In addition, if a candidate is listing someone as a reference, it’s important to let them they’ve done so and ask them to quickly respond to help expedite the process.

While the time it takes to execute a background check varies significantly depending on the individual services that comprise the check, we hope the general guidelines above help both recruiters and candidates better understand what may affect the final timeline.

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