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近年来,人力资源和招聘负责人经历了前所未有的变化。一系列工作场所趋势和创新结合在一起,重塑了 HR 如何为其业务线合作伙伴提供价值、招聘人员如何使用下一代技术来完成他们的工作,以及 C 级高管如何看待 HR 职能。



在 2020 年,创造积极的求职者体验的重要性将增加,这反映了当前低失业率的持续求职市场。顶尖候选人可能会很快拒绝过于繁琐的招聘体验,不通过让他们保持交流来保持沟通畅通,或者在招聘过程中未能整合现代技术以获得更好的用户体验。候选人会更喜欢友好、直观和无摩擦的流程。

一项 研究 发现,72% 的求职者体验不佳的求职者会在 Glassdoor 等网站、社交媒体或与家人和朋友分享这种经历。 (PwC)最近的另一项 研究发现,近一半 (49%) 的求职者针对需求领域表示,由于招聘过程中的糟糕经历,他们拒绝了要约。


雇主应该让候选人可以灵活地从任何设备输入所需的信息,提供文本通知和提醒以帮助他们完成任务,并提供文件上传和电子签名等节省时间的功能。到 2020 年,这些应该构成雇主必须在 2020 年从优秀的背景筛查服务提供商那里获得的利益。




随着技术创新有助于为招聘人员带来新的效率和更好的招聘结果,这种趋势可能会在 2020 年继续下去。根据人才委员会的一项 研究,顶级招聘技术公司预计将投资于基于视频的职位描述和虚拟助理,以帮助从现有的候选人数据库中获取资源。该研究还表明,基于文本的招聘和参考检查技术将在技术投资清单上占据重要位置。


在 最好的系统 允许招聘团队建立一个帐户,并在几分钟内提交第一份背景检查顺序,高效的特点招募有需求的人才-其中时间是本质。


不认真对待新员工入职的组织可能会付出高昂的代价。负面的入职体验可能会导致新员工离开公司。例如,根据Glassdoor 的一项研究,美国雇主平均花费 4,000 美元和 24 天来雇用一名新员工 同一项研究还发现,拥有强大入职流程的公司将新员工保留率提高了 82%,生产力提高了 70% 以上。


背景调查应被视为入职流程中关键的第一步。如果筛选过程过于繁琐、冗长或不适合移动设备(不允许候选人在此过程中使用手机提交所需信息或提供同意),则可能会提前为您的新人设置负面基调。 - 雇用的员工或候选人。直观、顺畅且快速的筛选过程向新员工传达了一个信息,即他们的新雇主“言出必行”,创造出色的员工体验。


行业分析师兼思想领袖 Josh Bersin 在拉斯维加斯 2019 年人力资源技术会议和博览会上的主题演讲中表示,人力资源领导者不仅应将其技术系统视为人力资源工具,而且应将其视为旨在简化工作流程和为业务部门领导创造更多可操作的见解。

Bersin 表示,跨 HR 技术类别的提供商越来越关注构建平台,以改善员工和求职者的用户体验,而不仅仅是后台 HR 用户。这些供应商正在设计更多的人力资源应用程序,以便在管理人员的日常工作流程中访问并与主流工作平台集成。

员工体验已成为一种新的敬业精神。2020 年,人力资源领导者将继续专注于创建流程和实施让员工生活更轻松的技术。关键是在从入职到绩效管理,从学习到发展的整个人才生命周期中,让与 HR 的互动更加令人难忘。

作为全球 70% 最大的人力资源公司值得信赖的筛选合作伙伴,观火背调了解激烈的人才竞争、复杂的计划要求以及我们客户面临的越来越大的压力。了解有关 观火背调 为不断变化的劳动力提供的筛查解决方案的更多信息,请立即访问 gooho.cn 。

In this new year, many of these trends will accelerate, and new ones will also emerge. Here’s what to expect in the human resources field as we turn the calendar to the new year.

Candidate as King: The First Step in Employee Engagement

The importance of creating a positive candidate experience will grow in 2020, reflecting the ongoing job seekers’ market in light of currently low unemployment rates. Top candidates may quickly reject recruiting experiences that are too cumbersome, don’t keep the communication open by keeping them in the loop, or fail to integrate modern technology for better user experiences during the hiring process. Candidates will prefer processes that are friendly, intuitive and friction-free.

One study found that 72% of applicants with a poor candidate experience will share that experience on sites like Glassdoor, on social media, or with family and friends. Another recent study from PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) found that nearly half (49%) of job seekers targeting in-demand fields say they’ve turned down an offer because of a bad experience during the hiring process.

The need for a candidate experience that mirrors the convenience, efficiency and speed of the best online consumer transactions should extend to the background screening process. Inaccurate screening reports, unwieldy information-gathering processes, or delays caused by use of outdated technology can cause candidates who’ve already accepted a job offer to reconsider their commitment.

Employers should be giving candidates the flexibility to enter needed information from any device, providing text notifications and reminders to help them complete tasks, and offering time-saving features like document uploads and e-signature. In 2020, these should constitute table stakes that employers must expect from good background screening service providers in 2020.


Technology Innovations Will Continue to Transform Recruiting

Recruiters have been among the biggest beneficiaries of new technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning. These tools assist recruiters in investing long hours in screening thousands of resumes, answering applicants’ frequently-asked questions, and the juggling act of scheduling candidate interviews.

That trend will likely continue in 2020 as technology innovations help bring new efficiencies and improved hiring outcomes to recruiters. According to a research by the Talent Board, top recruiting technologies companies  are projected to invest in video-based job descriptions and virtual assistants to help source from existing candidate databases. The study also indicates that text-based recruiting and reference checking technologies will be high on the list of technology investments.

Next-generation, mobile-first technology can make background checks faster as well as more accurate and comprehensive. For example, the most common background check on candidates – county courthouse records – can now be done in one business day in some cases.

The best systems allow recruiting teams to set up an account and submit their first background check order within minutes, an efficient feature of recruiting in-demand talent – where time is the essence.

Onboarding Assumes New Strategic Importance

Organizations that don’t take new-hire onboarding seriously can pay a steep price. A negative onboarding experience can cause new hires to leave a company. For example, the average US employer spends $4,000 and 24 days to hire a new worker, according to a Glassdoor study. That same study also found companies with a strong onboarding process improve new hire retention by 82% and productivity by over 70%.

With labor pools shrinking and top talent hard to find, retaining good employees will continue to be a front-burner issue not only for HR and hiring managers but also for the C-suite.

Background checks should be viewed as a critical first step in the onboarding process. If the screening process is too cumbersome, lengthy, or is not mobile-friendly (where it doesn’t allow candidates to use their phones to submit needed information or provide consent during the process), it can set a negative tone early for your newly-hired employees or candidates. An intuitive, frictionless, and fast screening process sends a message to new hires that their new employer “walks the talk” about creating great employee experiences.

The Employee Experience Will Remain Front and Center

In his keynote speech at the 2019 HR Technology Conference and Exposition in Las Vegas, industry analyst and thought leader Josh Bersin said that human resource leaders should think of their technology systems not only as HR tools but as “action platforms” designed to streamline workflows and create more actionable insights for business unit leaders.

Bersin said providers across HR technology categories are increasingly focused on building platforms that improve the user experience for both employees and job candidates, not just back-office HR users. These vendors are designing more of their HR applications to be accessed within the flow of managers’ daily work and to integrate with mainstream work platforms.

Employee experience has become a new engagement mantra. In 2020 HR leaders will remain laser-focused on creating processes and implementing technologies that make employees’ lives easier. The key will be to make interactions with HR more memorable across the talent lifecycle, from onboarding to performance management, from learning to development.

As the trusted screening partner of 70% of the largest staffing firms in the world, Sterling understands the intense competition for talent, complex program requirements, and increased pressure our customers face. Learn more about Sterling’s screening solutions for the evolving workforce, visit gooho.cn today.

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