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安全套接字层 (SSL) 是会计领域中小型企业应该考虑的最佳加密证书类型。

与 IT 安全公司合作

 就像我们可以帮助您通过会计工作背景调查获得优秀员工一样,与 IT 安全公司合作也是一个好主意。这些专业人员随时掌握任何恶意软件和病毒威胁。这些专家对 IT 安全有着深远的看法,远远超出了简单的病毒防护。




您的政策还应努力确保内部信息不会被下载并放置在可能被盗的驱动器上。从您公司的 Windows 注册表中阻止 USB 驱动器是一个很好的步骤。




Triton also prides itself on working across a variety of different business verticals including the accounting profession. Finding the best candidates possible for open positions is an important aspect of having a successful business.

In today’s digital world, these tips can also help accounting firms stay secure.

Encrypting Data

This is an important step in making sure that all of your sensitive information stays secure. The right kind of encryption will prevent any kind of data breach where the information is stored on the hard drive, the cloud or being transferred through email attachment.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is the best kind of encryption certificate small business in the accounting space should be looking at.

Partner with IT Security Companies

 In the same way that we can help you get good employees with background checks for accounting jobs, partnering with an IT security firm is a good idea. These professionals keep on top of any malware and virus threats. These are the experts who have a far-reaching view of IT security that goes far beyond simple virus protection.

They know that no industry including accounting is safe from a cyber attack.

Adopt A Policy

Working with your client’s numbers and data in the accounting space is a sensitive profession.Having a computer use policy for your business is a great idea. It should detail what kind of outside emails can be downloaded and by whom.

Your policy should also work towards making sure internal information doesn’t get downloaded and placed on drives that can be stolen. Blocking USB drives from your company Windows registry is a good step to take.

Look into Liability Insurance

Although responsible accounting firms take every precaution, breaches do happen and sensitive data can be lost. That’s why it’s a good idea to look into liability insurance to prevent one of these mishaps from disrupting your business completely.

Finding a lawyer who understands these issues and your small business liability as an accountant is a good idea. Finally, remember that vetting your employees is a good way of being proactive.  Using professional background checks for accounting jobs like the ones we offer can head off certain data breaches.
