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Here’s a few areas where we can draw from someone’s criminal history to give a bank or other financial institution an accurate picture of their background.

Court Records

Although there are a wide variety of sources to use, court records are one of the venues that holds the most credible information. Although different court houses have made online searchesavailable , there are still quite a few of these records that need to be searched for on site.

If you’re looking for specific federal crimes, these can be found online.

Certain Watch Lists and Registries

There are quite a few government agencies that make public the names of people who’ve been convicted of certain types of crimes. These include people who have outstanding warrants and those who are been convicted of sex crimes.

We offer preemployment screening for small businesses and other organizations.We know exactly how to put together background checks for bank jobs that can catch any of these convictions.

Homeland Security Checks

As globalization continues to affect the way financial institutions do business, these checks become even more important. The checks that we do in this area are significant because they search both domestic and international databases.

We make customer satisfaction job one. That’s why we have the fastest turnaround times in the business. We understand that financial institutions don’t have the time to wait for lengthy background checks. They want to know who the best applicants are quickly.

Correction Agency and Law Enforcement Records

We keep our valued clientele happy by knowing exactly how to put the information together for a thorough background check. The method to access these records differs from state to state and municipality to municipality.

There are states that allow companies to access this information for a fee. If you needed to sort through this to perform your own background checks, the cost could become prohibitive for a financial institution.

Triton understands all the different nuances behind a thorough background check. When it comes to banks, we are experts at understanding exactly how to get the proper information. Our background checks for bank jobs are unsurpassed.
