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询问您当前的背景调查提供者的 7 个问题



 1. 您采取哪些步骤来提供准确的背景调查?



  • 身份验证全面的 SSN 跟踪有助于确认候选人身份,因此您知道您正在检查正确的人。

  • 法庭记录研究:当我们需要确认从数据库搜索中获得的结果时,我们会在法庭层面进行额外的研究。

  • 验证尝试我们不会将验证尝试的次数[更改链接一旦门控] 限制为行业标准的三个,但会继续尝试。

2. 您使用哪些指标来衡量背景调查的质量?



  • 准确率:我们的质量保证团队为我们收集的背景信息的准确性设定了基准。我们还通过跟踪我们的数据收集程序的效率以及它们如何帮助我们提供高质量的背景数据报告来衡量质量。

  • 争议率:我们跟踪候选人在背景调查中报告争议信息的比率,以及争议导致背景报告发生变化的比率。

3. 您如何进行优质就业和教育验证?



在进行验证时,我们不遵循“三完成”的行业标准,而是不断尝试,直到我们进行适当的联系。我们的多步骤验证流程使用一系列联系方式来产生 90% 的验证成功率,因此您可以更多地了解潜在员工的证书和过去的就业情况。此外,我们会采取额外措施来识别文凭工厂和伪造证书,因此您可以确保您雇用的个人能够满足职位要求。

使用此“RFP 评估记分卡”为背景筛选提供商创建一个成功的 RFP 流程>>

4. 您如何帮助我们进行合规背景调查?

合规性是负责任和彻底的背景调查的支柱。作为专业背景筛查协会 (PBSA) 和消费者报告机构 (CRA) 的创始成员,我们坚持遵守所有适用的州和联邦背景筛查法规的高标准。我们的背景调查活动符合以下法律法规:

  • 公平信用报告法 (FCRA)

  • 州和地方工资历史禁令

  • “禁盒”法

  • 来自卫生与公众服务部 (HHS)、医疗保险和医疗补助服务中心 (CMS) 以及联合委员会等机构和组织的行业特定指南 


5. 您如何帮助我们提高背景调查项目的质量?





  • 审查您的计划指标和建议以获得最佳性能

  • 协作和协助解决问题

  • 培训和计划实施支持

  • 6. 在初步背景调查之后,您如何帮助我们继续筛选劳动力? 

  • 有时,高质量的聘用前背景调查可能只是开始。当您采取措施对新员工进行背景调查时,在他们的聘用日期之后,您对可能使您的员工和组织面临风险的行动或许可活动没有同样的可见性。在金融服务或医疗保健等行业,继续雇用受到制裁或许可不足的人可能会导致罚款或失去认证

  • 我们的持续监控解决方案可以在就业前背景调查中断的地方得到帮助。它提供一致和持续的实时监控和名册管理。因此,我们能够为您提供有关就业制裁和许可证更新的最新见解,以便您可以更好地持续管理劳动力。 

  • 7. 您如何帮助我们使背景调查流程更易于管理?

  • 在您的背景筛查提供商的帮助下,您可以自动化您的背景筛查过程的多个部分,从而减少手动步骤和重复输入。自动化筛选流程可帮助您节省时间并提供更好的候选人体验。 

  • 我们的技术使您和您的候选人的筛选过程更加轻松,因此您可以跟踪背景调查结果并在招聘过程中有效地推动候选人。我们还可以与您一起审查您的整体计划,并帮助您确定使背景筛选过程更有效的方法。节省时间的功能包括:

  • 单一和批量背景调查订购:只需点击几下即可订购一项或多项背景调查

  • 案例行动历史记录:具有更高的透明度并查看与特定背景调查相关的所有活动,每个活动都有日期和时间戳。

  • 自动电子披露和授权表格:进行合法披露并确保签署的授权安全

  • 不利行动工作流程工具:遵循符合 FCRA 的不利行动步骤

  • 电子 I-9 解决方案:验证候选人工作授权状态

  • 与您的 ATS 集成:减少候选人数据的重复输入

  • 消息功能:在需要额外信息的情况下实现更快的跟进

  • You need high-quality background checks to help your organization stay in compliance and minimize hiring risks. But if your background screening provider doesn’t use the most accurate, up-to-date sources of information, or if they prioritize speed over quality, the risks increase. As a result, you could unwittingly make a bad hire and bring harm to your organization in the form of fines, lawsuits, and reputational loss.

  • To help you protect your organization from poor-quality background checks, here are seven questions to ask your current background screening provider, and how we would answer them as your screening partner.

  •  1. What steps do you take to deliver accurate background checks?

  • A high-quality background check requires a combination of smart technology and human effort. Technology helps to automate the collection of background data from a variety of sources, and people provide judgment and analysis to verify and help you make sense of the data. Criminal background checks are a good example. After we extract candidate background information from a range of criminal databases, lists, and registries, our expert screeners review the data for completeness and conduct proper cross-checks and verifications.

  • Delivering quality background checks requires accuracy and truth. We demonstrate our commitment to accuracy with the following screening services:

  • Identity verifications: A thorough SSN trace helps confirm candidate identity, so you know you’re checking on the right person.

  • Court records research: We conduct additional research at the court level when we need to confirm results obtained from a database search.

  • Verification attemptsWe don’t limit the number of verification attempts [change link once gated] to the industry standard of three, but keep trying.

  • 2. What metrics do you use to measure the quality of your background checks?

  • Background check turnaround time is an integral part of an efficient hiring process, but you need more than just speed. When you need to manage hiring risk and protect your workplace, a thorough background check delivered in a few days always trumps an incomplete or erroneous background check, no matter how soon you get it. 

  • Our turnaround times are among the lowest in the industry, but we also demonstrate our commitment to quality by tracking other metrics. In addition to speed, we also gauge our success with metrics such as:

  • Accuracy rate: Our quality assurance team sets benchmarks for the accuracy of the background information we gather. We also measure quality by tracking the efficiency of our data collection procedures and how well they help us deliver quality background data reports.

  • Dispute rate: We track the rate at which candidates dispute information reported in their background check and the rate at which disputes lead to a change in a background report.

  • 3. How do you perform quality employment and educational verifications?

  • There are different ways to perform employment and educational verifications, and using a combination of verification methods—phone, fax, email, and database integrations— increases the likelihood of a response. In some cases, however, the person or organization on the other end of the verification request doesn’t respond in a timely manner.

  • It’s not uncommon to have to leave a few voicemails or send a follow-up email to a verification request. Nonetheless, many background screening providers only try three times and then declare the verification complete, whether they got any real information or not. As a result, you could be paying for verification services without getting verification results.

  • We don’t follow the “three and done” industry standard when conducting verifications, but keep trying until we make the appropriate contact. Our multi-step verification process uses a range of contact methods to yield a 90 percent verification success rate, so you know more about the credentials and past employment of prospective hires. In addition, we take extra steps to identify diploma mills and bogus certifications, so you can be sure the individuals you hire are able to satisfy the requirements of the position.

  • Use this "RFP Evaluation Scorecard” to create a winning RFP process for background screening providers >>

  • 4. How can you help us conduct compliant background checks?

  • Regulatory compliance is the backbone of responsible and thorough background screening. As a founding member of the Professional Background Screening Association (PBSA) and a consumer reporting agency (CRA), we uphold a high standard of compliance with all applicable state and federal background screening regulations. Our background screening activities comply with the following laws and regulations:

  • Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)

  • State and local salary history bans

  • “Ban the box” laws

  • Industry-specific guidelines from agencies and organizations such as the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and Joint Commission 

  • We stay current with changes to the laws impacting background screening, and we routinely improve our processes to keep pace with federal, state, and local legislation. We also keep you updated so you understand your compliance obligations and how evolving laws affect your organization.

  • 5. How can you help us improve the quality of our background check program?

  • Depending on your industry and your goals, there are many roads to a quality background check program. For example, if your organization is in the healthcare industry, quality background checks will include sanction checks and license verifications. If you employ drivers, you’ll need to include driver history and driver’s license checks.

  • We work with your organization to build a background screening program that fits your needs. In addition to the many background screening solutions available, we also offer services to help you improve your existing program, including the following:

  • Periodic business reviews

  • We work with you to review your program for continued compliance and efficiency, so you can take advantage of best practices and industry-specific insights. In addition to a thorough assessment of your screening program, periodic reviews also give you: 

  • A review of your program metrics and recommendations for optimal performance

  • Collaboration and assistance with problem-solving

  • Training and program implementation support

  • Customization

  • We help you configure your screening program to include a variety of different background searches according to job type. You can also build background screening activities around industry requirements, for example, with a healthcare background check program.

  • Ongoing support 

  • In addition to a dedicated screening analyst and in-platform direct messaging services, we keep you up-to-date with new developments on the compliance landscape. Our responsive, US-based support representatives are experienced in case production and processes, and available for online, chat, or phone contact. Your primary contact can also provide technical support, answers to compliance-related questions, and information about our services.

  • 6. After the initial background check, how can you help us continue to screen the workforce? 

  • Sometimes a quality pre-hire background check may be just the beginning. When you’ve taken steps to conduct background checks for new hires, after their hire date you don’t have the same visibility into actions or license activity that could be putting your workforce and organization at risk. In an industry such as financial services or healthcare, continuing to employ someone with sanctions or insufficient licensing can lead to fines or loss of accreditation.

  • Our continuous monitoring solution picks up where pre-employment background checks leave off. It delivers consistent and continuous real-time monitoring and roster management. As a result, we’re able to give you up-to-the-minute insights about employment sanctions and license updates, so you can better manage the workforce on an ongoing basis. 

  • 7. How can you help us make the background check process easier to manage?

  • With the help of your background screening provider, you can automate several parts of your background screening process, thus reducing manual steps and double-entry. An automated screening process helps you save time and allows you to deliver a better candidate experience. 

  • Our technology makes the screening process easier for you and your candidates so you can keep track of background check results and move candidates efficiently through the hiring process. We can also work with you to review your overall program, and we help you identify ways to make the background screening process more efficient. Time-saving features include the following:

  • Single and bulk background check ordering: Order one or many background checks with just a few clicks

  • Case action histories: Have greater transparency and see all activities associated with a specific background check, each with a date and time stamp.

  • Automated e-disclosure and authorization forms: Make legal disclosures and keep signed authorizations secure

  • Adverse action workflow tools: Follow FCRA-compliant adverse action steps

  • Electronic I-9 solutions: Verify candidate work authorization status

  • Integrations with your ATS: Cut down on double-entry of candidate data

  • Paperless drug screening: Help candidates find a lab and make a drug testing appointment using any mobile device

  • Dashboards and case views: Have better access to actionable background screening results

  • Messaging features: Enable quicker follow-up in instances where additional information is required

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