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评估不同背景调查平台的 5 个技巧


  • 背景调查需要太长时间才能完成或不准确

  • 当前的提供商不提供流程更新,因此很难知道完成背景调查报告需要多长时间

  • 有限或没有系统集成使得跟踪纸质授权表格、披露、案件状态和报告变得非常困难 

  • 候选人在进行背景调查时有时会被遗忘 

  • 要求候选人澄清地址等信息的过程很麻烦


1. 检查灵活性和功能性


  • 搜索、过滤和报告功能——生成历史筛查报告,搜索仍在进行中的筛查,并按状态、日期、名称等过滤筛查。

  • 轻松订购——在应用程序中提出订购请求,而不是通过电子邮件或电话来回发送。

  • 持续时间跟踪和活动里程碑——深入了解候选人在筛选过程中的位置。

  • 无纸化披露 - 允许候选人完成 FCRA 披露,并在平台内安全地存储签名表格

  • 简化沟通 - 就特定案例或背景报告向背景筛选分析师发送消息

  • 工作流管理器仪表板——查看按流程阶段分类的背景调查,从而更轻松地查看整体状态和突出显示的个别案例以供进一步审查。

2. 考虑专有技术与第三方技术



使用此“RFP 评估记分卡”为背景筛选提供商创建一个成功的 RFP 流程>>

3. 评估整合能力

当软件解决方案不是在真空中运行而是与其他平台无缝集成时,它们是最有效的。技术集成减少了重复输入的需要并提高了现有流程的效率。一项针对人力资源专业人士的调查中,87% 的人表示拥有能够集成到他们现有技术中的工具至关重要。

当您的背景筛选平台与招聘流程中的其他平台(例如 ATS)集成时,它可以更完整、更准确地了解候选人在流程中的位置,以及哪些活动正在进行或仍需要完成,然后才能被聘用. 此外,背景筛选平台还可以配置为与 E-Verify 和电子表格 I-9 集成,以简化就业资格验证过程。

4. 期待定期沟通


  • 某些县或法院系统的延误

  • 可用的系统升级 

  • 增强功能,让您保持背景筛选合规性


5. 看看对候选人体验的影响

诚然,背景筛选是人才获取过程的必要元素,但它也可能是改善整体候选人体验的一个因素。在组织激烈竞争人才的劳动力市场中,提供积极的候选人体验可以成就或破坏公司的招聘成功。一项研究发现,83% 的受访求职者在经历了负面经历后会改变对公司的看法。




  • 该平台易于使用且速度快——只需点击几下,而不是漫长而漫长的过程。

  • 所有与背景筛选相关的候选人行动都可以使用该平台完成,无需签署或交换纸质表格。

  • 考生可以通过移动设备轻松访问平台,随时查看自己的筛选状态。

  • 考生可以使用该平台寻找和选择药检中心。



effective platform not only improves automation and communication but also helps to move candidates through the background check process more efficiently. Some of the specific reasons an organization might choose to work with a provider that offers a modern background screening platform include:

  • Background checks take too long to complete or are inaccurate

  • The current provider doesn’t provide process updates, making it hard to know how long it will take for a background check report to be completed

  • Limited or no system integrations make it too difficult to keep track of paper authorization forms, disclosures, case status, and reports 

  • Candidates are sometimes forgotten while they’re going through the background check process 

  • The process of asking candidates for clarifying information, such as an address, is cumbersome

A background screening platform can solve many of those issues and leave recruiters and candidates delighted rather than frustrated with the background check process. However, not all platforms were created equal and not all can deliver the benefits that lead to a more successful background screening program. Here are five tips for evaluating different background screening platforms.

1. Examine flexibility and functionality

It’s one thing to have a technology platform for background screening, and another to have one that is flexible and offers functionality to make the hiring process more productive and efficient. Screening technology should be intuitive and easy to use. It should also be flexible enough to adapt as hiring processes and workflows change over time. Some of the features to look for in a background screening platform include:

  • Search, filter, and report functions—generate reports on historical screenings, search for screenings still in process, and filter screenings by status, date, name, and more.

  • Easy ordering—make in-application order requests instead of going back and forth over email or phone.

  • Duration tracking and activity milestones—get insights into where candidates are in the screening process.

  • Paperless disclosures - allow candidates to complete FCRA disclosures, and securely store signed forms within the platform

  • Streamlined communication - message background screening analysts about a specific case or background report

  • Workflow manager dashboard—view background checks categorized by their stage in the process, making it easier to see overall status and individual cases highlighted for further review.

2. Consider proprietary vs. third-party technology

While many won’t publicize it, some background screening companies use background screening software developed and serviced by a third party. The problem with working with a third-party platform is that it can be more of a “one size fits all” solution, and might not align well with your unique needs. A proprietary screening platform, on the other hand, is typically developed with the benefit of years of direct experience, intimate knowledge of industry best practices, and feedback from customers. 

When you’re evaluating different background screening platforms, it’s a good idea to ask if it’s a proprietary platform or one that was developed by another company. A proprietary platform, developed with user experience and customer expectations in mind, is likely to be more successful at helping you streamline hiring processes and access the background screening information you need to make timely hires.

Use this "RFP Evaluation Scorecard” to create a winning RFP process for background screening providers >>

3. Assess integration capability

Software solutions are most effective when they don’t operate in a vacuum but integrate seamlessly with other platforms. Technology integrations reduce the need for double entry and increase the efficiency of existing processes. In one survey of HR professionals, 87 percent said that having tools that integrate into their existing technology was essential.

When your background screening platform integrates with other platforms in the hiring process such as the ATS, it enables a more complete and accurate picture of where candidates are in the process and what activities are ongoing or still need to be completed before a person can be hired. In addition, a background screening platform can also be configured to integrate with E-Verify and electronic Form I-9, to ease the process of employment eligibility verifications.

4. Expect regular communication

Background screening technology that is as informative as it is interactive will add the most value to your overall talent management program. After all, you don’t just want an online platform to order background screenings and check status; you also want to be informed when new information is available, such as:

  • Delays in certain counties or court systems

  • Available system upgrades 

  • Enhancements to keep you in background screening compliance

Real-time communication is also important for keeping candidates moving efficiently through the hiring process. Therefore, you should also look for a platform with messaging capability that allows for communication between you, background screening analysts, and, if you desire, candidates. When the background check analyst can reach out to candidates directly to request or verify details such as an address, the process can move along much faster.

5. Look at the impact on candidate experience

It is true that background screening is a necessary element of the talent acquisition process, but it can also be a factor in improving the overall candidate experience. In a labor market in which organizations are competing fiercely for talent, offering a positive candidate experience can make or break a company’s recruiting success. One study found that 83 percent of surveyed job candidates would change their mind about a company after a negative experience.

Background screening technology offers an opportunity to demonstrate an efficient recruiting process and show that you value the time and effort candidates put into pursuing an open position. By using a background screening platform that automates the background check process, such as with e-disclosures authorizations, candidates don’t have to get bogged down in paperwork and manual form entry. The platform also stores the latest versions of those documents, thus making it easier for HR teams to keep track of candidates and make sure they don’t get lost in the shuffle.

Digital signatures are another example of how a background screening platform improves the overall candidate experience during the hiring process. Using e-signatures demonstrates to candidates that they are working with an innovative organization that utilizes digital tools to make processes more efficient.

Background checks don’t have to be cumbersome or time-consuming. A background screening platform makes the process carefree and easy for candidates. Here are some key characteristics to look for in a background screening platform that demonstrate a commitment to the candidate experience:

  • The platform is easy to use and fast—a few clicks rather than a long, drawn-out process.

  • All candidate actions related to background screening can be done using the platform, with no paper forms to be signed or exchanged.

  • Candidates can easily access the platform from a mobile device and can see their screening status at any time.

  • Candidates can look for and select a drug testing center using the platform.

A background screening platform can improve the overall hiring process

A background screening platform is a great way to automate the process of conducting background checks and can ultimately help to streamline the hiring process for recruiters and candidates alike. It’s a better alternative to email and paper processes and delivers benefits you can’t get from simply ordering background checks online. With its integration capability, expanded options for communication, and adaptable functionality, a background screening platform is the modern solution for conducting high-quality background checks in the most efficient manner possible.
