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医疗机构与企业筛查合作进行背景调查的 10 个理由


以下是医疗保健雇主与我们合作提供可靠、优质的背景筛查产品和服务的 10 个理由。

1. 高接触服务和支持

每一天,我们都努力为我们的客户提供无与伦比的服务和创新的解决方案。使用  不仅仅是将候选人信息输入在线门户。除了平台内直接消息传递服务外,我们还提供专门的资源来指导您完成背景调查过程并保持您的整体筛选计划的质量。 


  • 案例管理:专门的筛选分析师可以回答问题并确认特定背景调查报告的详细信息。

  • 客户支持:美国的支持代表为技术、帐户或合规性查询提供在线和电话支持。

  • 客户管理:专门的客户成功经理负责协调用户培训和计划管理,对您的计划进行季度审查,并与您一起实施最佳实践和改进。

2. 筛选准确度


  • 身份验证:全面的SSN 跟踪有助于确认候选人身份,因此您知道您正在检查正确的人。

  • 法庭记录研究:当我们需要确认从数据库搜索中获得的结果时,我们会在法庭层面进行额外的研究

  • 准确率指标:我们的质量保证团队为我们收集的背景信息的准确性设定了基准。我们还通过跟踪我们的数据收集程序的效率以及它们如何帮助我们提供高质量的背景数据报告来衡量质量。


我们的筛选技术提供一流的能力来自动化筛选活动并限制昂贵的手动工作流程。通过申请人跟踪系统 (ATS) 集成、无纸化药物筛选以及电子披露和授权流程等功能,我们帮助医疗保健雇主、人力资源团队和候选人轻松启动背景调查,并以行业领先的周转时间获得结果。 

为了给我们的客户提供更高的价值,我们通过我们称为 AI2 的流程加深了我们技术的影响。我们将专家分析与自动化和人工智能技术相结合,在背景筛选报告中创建真正可行的信息。 

使用此“RFP 评估记分卡”为背景筛选提供商创建一个成功的 RFP 流程>>

4. 高合规标准

除了适用于所有雇主的合规要求,例如公平信用报告法 (FCRA) 背景调查规则、“禁止框”法和薪酬公平法,医疗保健行业还必须遵守行业特定的背景筛查要求。例如,医疗保健雇主还必须遵守以下机构和组织制定的要求: 

  • 美国监察长办公室 (OIG)

  • 医疗保险和医疗补助服务中心 (CMS)

  • 联合委员会

  • 国家特定要求


5. 改善筛查计划的见解


  • 识别风险并优先考虑解决这些风险的计划

  • 检查您当前的内部流程是否符合不断变化或新的法规

  • 提供改进现有流程和利用筛选技术新进展的想法

6. 持续的劳动力监控

除了帮助医疗保健雇主完成雇佣前背景调查流程外,我们还提供满足监察长办公室 (OIG) 要求的解决方案,以实现一致的劳动力筛查。我们的持续监控解决方案CS SafeGuard提供有关您员工的许可制裁、禁止或就业排除的持续更新。因此,您可以更多地了解您的员工队伍,并在出现问题时更快地采取行动。

7. 对候选人体验的承诺


此外,我们的背景筛选技术与您的 ATS无缝集成,使候选人不必多次输入相同的信息。

8. 定制筛选解决方案



  • 犯罪记录检查

  • SSN 追踪

  • 制裁检查

  • 教育和就业验证

  • 许可证验证 




10. 特定行业的专业知识


  • 犯罪背景搜索:我们提供背景信息,让您随时了解被定罪的候选人和员工,使他们没有资格从事医疗保健工作。

  • 驾驶记录:我们检查运送患者的员工的记录,并提供有关机动车辆记录、事故和其他驾驶员不当行为的详细信息。

  • 医疗保健制裁和排除:我们扫描一系列制裁和排除名单,以识别被禁止从事医疗保健工作的个人,包括 OIG 被排除个人和实体名单 (LEIE)、奖励管理系统 (SAM) 以及特定于州的登记处和全球列表。

  • 医疗执照状态:我们持续监控执照到期、吊销和医疗委员会的行动,以便您及时采取行动。



Corporate Screening is proud of the many relationships we’ve maintained with healthcare clients for more than a decade, and some for considerably longer. As a trusted partner of employers in the healthcare industry, we understand the unique screening needs of hospitals, health systems, and other healthcare organizations. In fact, we have recently been awarded a group purchasing agreement for employment background screening services with Premier, Inc. This agreement adds a deep level of screening service and support to Premier’s alliance of approximately 4,100 U.S. hospitals and health systems and more than 200,000 other providers and organizations. 

Here are 10 reasons healthcare employers partner with us for reliable, quality background screening products and services.

1. High-Touch Service and Support

Every day, we strive to provide our clients with unparalleled service and innovative solutions. Working with Corporate Screening isn’t just about entering candidate information into an online portal. In addition to in-platform direct messaging services, we provide dedicated resources to guide you through the background check process and maintain the quality of your overall screening program. 

Our healthcare clients can connect with us via the following dedicated support channels:

  • Case management: A dedicated screening analyst is available to answer questions and confirm details of specific background check reports.

  • Customer support: U.S.-based support representatives provide online and phone support for technical, account, or compliance inquiries.

  • Account management: A dedicated customer success manager coordinates user training and program administration, conducts quarterly reviews of your program, and works with you to implement best practices and improvements.

2. Screening Accuracy

Accuracy in background screening requires going beyond the basics; it must be built on a solid foundation of accuracy and truth. We demonstrate our commitment to accuracy with the following screening services and actions:

  • Identity verifications: A thorough SSN trace helps to confirm candidate identity, so you know you’re checking on the right person.

  • Court records research: We conduct additional research at the court level when we need to confirm results obtained from a database search

  • Accuracy rate metrics: Our quality assurance team sets benchmarks for the accuracy of the background information we gather. We also measure quality by tracking the efficiency of our data collection procedures and how well they help us deliver quality background data reports.

3. Automation Combined with Expert Analysis

Our screening technology offers best-in-class capability to automate screening activities and limit costly, manual workflows. Through features such as applicant tracking system (ATS) integrations, paperless drug screening, and processes for e-disclosure and authorization, we help healthcare employers, HR teams, and candidates easily initiate background checks and get results with industry-leading turnaround times. 

To give our clients enhanced value, we deepen the impact of our technology through a process we call AI2. We combine expert analysis with automation and AI technology to create truly actionable information in background screening reports. 

Use this "RFP Evaluation Scorecard” to create a winning RFP process for background screening providers >>

4. High Compliance Standards

In addition to the compliance requirements applicable to all employers, such as Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) background check rules, “ban the box” laws, and pay equity laws, the healthcare industry must comply with industry-specific requirements for background screening. For example, healthcare employers must also follow requirements established by the following agencies and organizations: 

  • US Office of the Inspector General (OIG)

  • Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)

  • Joint Commission

  • State-specific requirements

Our commitment to compliance is demonstrated in our deep knowledge of the screening requirements specific to the healthcare industry, as well as the internal processes we employ to maintain the highest compliance standards. Furthermore, we provide guidance, insights, and best practices to help healthcare employers close compliance gaps and manage ongoing risks as federal and state laws evolve.

5. Insights to Improve Your Screening Program

We understand that the overall health of your background screening program is essential for managing hiring risk and protecting patients. We work with healthcare clients to conduct periodic program reviews, which provide opportunities to take the following actions: 

  • Identify risks and prioritize plans for addressing them

  • Check to see if your current internal processes remain in compliance with changing or new regulations

  • Offer ideas for improving existing processes and taking advantage of new advancements in screening technology

6. Continuous Workforce Monitoring

In addition to helping healthcare employers complete the pre-hire background check process, we provide solutions for meeting Office of Inspector General (OIG) requirements for consistent workforce screening. Our continuous monitoring solution, CS SafeGuard, provides ongoing updates about license sanctions, debarments, or employment exclusions within your workforce. As a result, you can stay more informed about your workforce and take faster action when issues arise.

7. Commitment to the Candidate Experience

We recognize the role of a background screening provider in helping candidates get the information and resources they need for a smooth and fuss-free background checking process. Through tools such as e-disclosure and authorization and paperless drug screening, we help you keep the hiring process moving, so your candidates don’t have to send paper forms back and forth through email. 

In addition, the seamless integration of our background screening technology with your ATS spares candidates from having to enter the same information multiple times.

8. Customized Screening Solutions

To meet the screening needs of many kinds of healthcare organizations and the different position types within them, we offer customized solutions to screen any combination of staff members, including clinical and administrative support staff, interns, volunteers, and students on rotation. You can also use our customizable background screening technology to order, review, and manage background check reports in alignment with your existing talent management processes.

We work with you to conduct high-quality healthcare background checks with all the core components: 

  • Criminal records check

  • SSN trace

  • Sanctions check

  • Educational and employment verification

  • License verifications 

In addition, we can customize searches for more targeted screening. For example, you can set parameters for which candidate licenses you want to check (all licenses or just those relevant to the position a candidate is applying for). You can also expand criminal record searches to include sex offender registry searches 

9. A Proven Verification Process

Many screening companies follow the industry standard of three contact attempts when conducting employment and education verifications. But we don’t stop there, even if it takes four, five, or more attempts. Our multi-step verification process uses several contact methods, with date and time-stamped contact attempts, so you know exactly where a candidate’s verifications stand.

10. Industry-Specific Expertise

Our experience offering screening products and services to the healthcare industry runs deep. We’ve developed proven processes to uncover actionable background screening data in the following areas:

  • Criminal background search: We deliver background information to keep you informed about candidates and employees convicted of crimes making them ineligible for healthcare employment.

  • Driving records: We check records for employees who transport patients and provide details about motor vehicle records, accidents, and other driver misconduct.

  • Healthcare sanctions and exclusions: We scan a range of sanction and exclusion lists to identify individuals barred from healthcare employment, including the OIG List of Excluded Individuals and Entities (LEIE), System for Award Management (SAM), and state-specific registries and global lists.

  • Medical license status: We continuously monitor license expirations, revocations, and medical board actions, so you can take timely action.

Select the Right Background Screening Partner

Over the years, we’ve learned what it takes to help healthcare organizations screen prospective and existing employees at the highest efficiency and compliance standards. Besides offering a range of industry-specific products and services, we partner with you to identify opportunities for improving your background screening program. 

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