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国际背景调查 API 需要更复杂

最近出现了声称已经“解决”国际背景筛选的紧急背景调查 API。但是,如果您深入了解,其中许多服务在实际进行国际搜索方面几乎没有经验或根本没有经验——在合规性和对每个国家筛选细微差别的理解方面还有很多不足之处。对于正在迅速扩大其全球影响力的信托经济参与者来说,这尤其令人担忧。



关于国际背景调查的3 个 问题:

  • 我可以通过 API 访问国际背景调查吗?

如果您将通过 API 或申请人跟踪系统集成进行背景筛选,这可能是您首先要问的问题之一。如果您无法通过简化的系统访问所需的所有背景筛选服务,效率和候选人体验都会受到影响。

  • 它服务于我需要的市场吗?

确保您的提供商在您的员工共有的地区拥有真实的背景审查经验。他们应该熟悉该地区的痛点以及进行彻底背景调查所需的要求。重要的是,您选择的 API 实际上可以实时访问本地数据和专业知识,并且本质上不是一个扩展的、过时的和容易出错的聚合数据供应链之上的聚合器。

Many companies assume that other countries share commonalities with U.S., but each international market has varied privacy laws and access to reliable information. In India, for example, there are multiple ways a vendor can perform a criminal record search – and each poses its own risks. Data from the local police station may not always be usable due to changing regulations and a history of unethical data gathering practices; a district court search could be based on an incorrect address provided by an applicant; and India’s criminal database is incomplete and non-exhaustive.  To overcome these obstacles there must be a combination of searches and the resources of local, in-country partners to paint a complete picture of a candidate’s criminal history.

To do international background screening correctly, you need more than access to a country’s court systems; you need a network of trusted, regional and in-country partners who you can leverage for their local experience, regulatory knowledge, language skills and data expertise.

3 Questions to Ask of Your International Background Checks:

  • Can I access International Background Screening through an API?

If you will be background screening through an API or applicant tracking system integration, this may be one of the first questions you will want to ask. Efficiency and candidate experience will suffer if you cannot access all of the background screening services you need through a streamlined system.

  • Does it service the markets I need?

Make sure your provider has true experience background screening in the regions common to your workforce. They should be familiar with the pain points of that region and the requirements necessary to conduct a thorough background check. It is important that the API you choose actually has real-time access to local data and expertise and isn’t essentially an aggregator on top of a distended, out-of-date and error-prone supply chain of aggregated data.
