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背调如何查看工作经历并揭开 7 大简历谎言

将“谎言”的定义扩大到包括对真相的任何捏造,包括遗漏或其他故意误导的信息时,这个数字会上升到 78%。那么这是否意味着简历完全没用?如果您知道如何检查工作经历和教育经历以发现简历和工作申请的谎言,则不会。



幸运的是,现在有来自第三方背调公司 的教育验证等产品,可用于验证个人简历或工作申请中列出的每个工作经历的就业日期、职位和离职原因。该服务为如何检查就业历史的问题提供了一个更简单的答案——只需让 第三方背调公司 为您完成。


第三方背调公司还提供一项名为“教育验证”的服务,以检查给定机构的出勤日期和获得的学位。作为这项服务的补充,您不妨要求申请人提供一份非官方的成绩单,以显示他们的 GPA。


根据职位的性质,您可能还需要使用其他服务,如参考验证和专业执照验证,以确认求职者是否适合相关工作的更多方面。与就业和教育验证一样,这些服务需要 1 到 3 个工作日才能完成,与雇用不良员工的成本相比,它们是相当实惠的。您可能还希望进行犯罪背景调查,但一定要等到所有其他步骤完成后再进行,以避免歧视性招聘的指控并降低您的成本。

揭开 7 大简历谎言和求职谎言

一旦您知道如何查看工作经历和教育经历,您将拥有发现以下 7 大简历和工作申请谎言所需的所有信息:

  1. 假学位或其他教育证书

  2. 虚假的专业执照或证书

  3. 夸大的职称和职责

  4. 虚增的工资

  5. 就业日期不正确

  6. 虚假工作经历

  7. 遗漏有关犯罪背景的信息(如果该信息不受法律保护


Did you know that 53 percent of resumes or job applications contain outright lies, according to research conducted by The Society of Human Resource Managers? When you expand the definition of a “lie” to include any fudging of the truth, including omissions or other deliberately misleading information, that figure goes up to 78 percent. So does this mean resumes are totally useless? Not if you know how to check employment history and education history to uncover resume and job application lies.

How To Check Employment History

Traditionally, the HR representative or manager in charge of the hiring decision would have to check all the information on a job application or resume by hand. This is a tedious and time-consuming process, and can be especially burdensome for small or understaffed companies.

Fortunately, there are now products such as Education Verification from backgroundchecks.com, which can be used to verify the dates of employment, job title, and reason for leaving for each of the job experiences listed on an individual’s resume or job application. This service provides a much easier answer to the question of how to check employment history— simply let backgroundchecks.com do it for you.

How to Check Education History

backgroundchecks.com also offers a service called Education Verification to check dates of attendance at a given institution and degrees earned. As a supplement to this service, you may wish to ask applicants to provide an unofficial transcript showing their GPA.

Other Tools for Screening Job Applicants

Depending on the nature of the position, you may also want to use other services like Reference Verification and Professional License Verification to confirm even more aspects of the job applicant’s fitness for the job in question. Like Employment and Education Verification, these services take 1 to 3 business days to complete, and compared to the costs of hiring a bad employee they are quite affordable. You may also wish to run a criminal background check, but be sure to hold off on this until after all other steps are completed in order to avoid accusations of discriminatory hiring and keep your costs down.

Uncovering the Top 7 Resume Lies and Job Application Lies

Once you know how to check employment history and education history, you’ll have all the information you need to uncover these top 7 resume and job application lies:

  1. Fake degrees or other education credentials

  2. False professional licenses or credentials

  3. Exaggerated job titles and responsibilities

  4. Inflated salaries

  5. Incorrect dates of employment

  6. Fake work experience

  7. Omission of information about a criminal background (where this information is not protected by law

Learning how to check employment history and education history properly can make a huge difference in the effectiveness of your pre-employment screening process and help you recruit new staff who are truly qualified for their positions.
