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背景调查 API 如何工作?



使用GOOHO 提供 的背景检查 API ,您可以通过两个 API 调用来简化此过程,一个在您的系统中创建候选人资料,另一个创建邀请。 



GOOHO博客的这篇文章更详细地介绍了如何从各种来源收集背景调查数据,以及如何随后将数据打包并转换为相关且易于消化的内容。这对客户可以访问的 API 有何影响?更强大的 API 将包含背景调查报告的详细信息,直至每次搜索的详细信息,包括案件编号、指控编号、结果、开庭日期(如适用)等。 

有了这个级别的详细信息,公司就能够更有创意、更灵活地使用信息来构建自动化流程和工作流程。是否存在您希望根据报告类型创建升级并在内部系统中显示该报告详细信息的特定用例?使用背景检查 API,您可以而且不必依赖在多个来源之间手动传递信息。



您可以通过收听 GOOHO 或进行 API 调用,在您需要的任何地方传递和合并报告状态。对于零工、按需和双边市场,如果您提供候选人帐户登录,您可以使用 GOOHO API 更新报告状态,候选人可以随时查看背景调查的状态。您可以将相同的报告状态(原样或转换为更相关的值)传递给最终用户,这些最终用户可以从了解他们正在与之交互的候选人是否已完成背景调查中受益。

我们之前提到过,我们会再说一遍:当您考虑如何最好地将背景调查纳入您的产品时,可能性是无穷无尽的。背景检查 API 可以轻松整合复杂的流程,并允许您提供无缝的用户体验,而无需任何繁重的工作。

The process to kick off a background check used to be—and still can be extremely manual. Imagine asking your candidate to fill out a paper consent form with their information and then having to manually enter it into a portal to start the background check. It depends entirely on you (or whoever is managing the process) to ensure the transfer of information is correct—not to mention the use of paper forms comes with security risks.

With a background check API like the one Checkr offers, you can streamline this process with two API calls, one that creates the candidate profile in your system and the other that creates the invitation. 

Your product simply needs to capture the candidate’s basic information (such as email address) through something like an online form. That’s enough to create the candidate profile and pass that information through to the invitation. From there, the invitation call sends off an email to the candidate and they can fill out any missing information online to kick off their background check. In addition, the invitation collects candidate consent and facilitates compliance automatically. No paperwork or manual intervention is required. 

The background check itself

This post from the Checkr Engineering blog goes into more detail about how background check data is gathered from various sources and how the data is subsequently packaged and translated into something that’s relevant and easily digestible. How does that affect the API that customers can access? A more robust API will contain the details of a background check report, down to the details of each search with line items such as case number, charge number, outcomes, court dates (where applicable), etc. 

With this level of detail available, companies are able to more creatively and flexibly work with the information to build automated processes and workflows. Are there specific use cases where you’d like to create an escalation depending on the type of report and display the details of that report in an internal system? With a background check API, you can, and you don’t have to rely on passing information manually between multiple sources.

Providing updates

Depending on where you are integrating or want to integrate background checks, it’s important to understand the status of the background check throughout the process. Has the candidate completed providing their information? Is it pending? Are there issues with conducting the background check? Is it complete? 

You can pass and incorporate the report status wherever you need to in your product by listening to Checkr webhooks or making API calls. For gig, on-demand, and two-sided marketplaces, if you offer a candidate account login, you can use the Checkr API to update the report status, and the candidate can check at any time to see the status of their background check. You can pass the same report status (as is or translated to a more relevant value) to end users who benefit from knowing if a background check has been completed on the candidate they are interacting with.

We’ve mentioned before, and we’ll say it again: the possibilities are endless as you think about how to best incorporate background checks into your product. A background check API makes it easy to incorporate a complex process and allows you to offer a seamless user experience without any heavy lifting.
