返回列表 发表时间:2022-01-25    浏览次数:929


由于计划对所有学校董事会成员进行背景调查,新泽西州最近出现在新闻中。现在,要求的背景调查已经完成,并且由于调查结果,29 名学校董事会成员已被解雇。这对于那些支持背景调查的人来说是个好消息,并促使该州寻求其他方法来改善背景调查。他们建议的一件事是市议会和城市雇员也要进行这种类型的背景调查。


Somers Point 的员工和志愿者必须接受这些检查,包括市议会的所有民选和志愿者成员、教练组成员、特许摊位员工或志愿者、筹款协调员以及使用城市财产的组织的任何成员,像公园。如果他们没有通过城市背景调查,他们将需要提供证据证明他们已经对目前参与该组织的人进行了背景调查。

志愿者需要自己支付背景调查费用,但如果他们获得批准,教育委员会将向他们偿还部分费用。如果一个人没有通过背景调查,他们也将有机会在 BOE 面前上诉。所有这些背景调查都出于一个原因……儿童的安全。


New Jersey has recently been in the news due to a plan to background check all of their school board members. Now that the required background checks have been completed and 29 school board members have been dismissed due to the results of their checks. This is great news for those who are proponents of background checks and has made the state look to other ways to improve background checks. One thing they are suggesting is that city councils and city employees go through this type of background check as well.

One city that is doing this willingly is Somers Point, NJ. They are starting with those who work in the city who have contact with minors throughout the day. The new legislation would disallow those who have certain crimes connected to their records from working with kids. These crimes include sexual offences, homicide, kidnapping, theft, robbery, drug offences and any crime against children.

The employees and volunteers of Somers Point who will have to submit to these checks include all elected and volunteer members of city boards, members of coaching staffs, concession stand employees or volunteers, fundraising coordinators and any member of an organization who is using city property, like parks. If they do not go through the city background checks, they will need to supply proof that they have given background checks to those who are currently involved in the organization.

Volunteers will need to pay for the background checks themselves, but if they are approved, the Board of Education would pay them back for some of the cost. If a person fails the background check, they would be given an opportunity to appeal in front of the BOE as well. All of these background checks are being done for one reason...the safety of children.

Cities like Somers Point, NJ as well as companies who want to perform background checks on their employees who work with children could really benefit from third party processors like backgroundchecks.com. This company offers a variety of products for background checks that would be perfect for their needs. One of these products, US Offender OneSEARCH, will be able to search sex offender information nationwide. The best thing about this product is that it is instant, which means the information will be available quickly and efficiently.

Taking the steps to perform background checks on city employees and volunteers is a great way to promote safety and to keep those with negative backgrounds away from children.
