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一项要求对所有州承包商进行背景调查的法案现已提交西弗吉尼亚州参议院,并将进行投票。  该法案是由最近的一次逮捕引起的,该逮捕使几个人处于危险之中。一名有重罪犯罪背景的男子在威胁一名州长工作人员后被捕,他是一名登记在案的性犯罪者。罗纳德·斯科特·戴利 (Ronald Scott Dailey) 是一群独立承包商中的一员,他们受雇在首都做日常工作。

尽管此人被抓获并被捕,但这一事件揭示了不仅对员工进行背景调查的重要性,而且对承包商进行背景调查也同样重要。一些第三方背景调查公司(例如 GOOHO.CN)提供涵盖 员工和承包商的背景调查解决方案和套餐。

GOOHO.CN 解决方案称为 VendorSAFE,为组织提供了一种快速、简单且最重要的是无需成本的方式,可以为其供应商/承包商 实施负责任的、符合 FCRA 的、基于背景调查的筛选计划  ,以保护其公司和员工  

赞助组织可以决定在包中添加各种搜索,包括像美国 OneSEARCH这样的产品,它会在国家层面非常彻底地查看可能的犯罪历史,还将查看所有 50 个州的性犯罪者登记处。需要注意的是,在上面的示例中,Dailiey 在西弗吉尼亚州没有记录。他的重罪和性犯罪都发生在佛蒙特州。如果只进行州背景调查,这些信息将永远不会被曝光。 

A bill that would require background checks for all state contractors is now before the West Virginia state Senate and is set to go to vote.  This bill was brought about by a recent arrest that put several people in danger. A man with a felony criminal background who was a registered sex offender was arrested after threatening one of the Governors staff members. The man, Ronald Scott Dailey, was part of a group of independent contractors that had been hired to do routine work at the Capital.

Though this man was caught and arrested, this incident brings to light the importance of performing background checks not only on employees, but equally well on contractors. Some third party background check companies like backgroundchecks.com, offer background screening solutions and packages that cover both  employees and contractors.

backgroundchecks.com solution called VendorSAFE, offers a fast, easy, and most importantly NO COST way for organizations  to implement a responsible, FCRA compliant, background check based screening program  for their  VENDORS / CONTRACTORS,  to protect their company and employees

The sponsoring organization can decide to add a variety of searches to the package, including products like the  US OneSEARCH, which takes  a very thorough look at the national level for a possible criminal history and will also look through sex offender registries in all 50 states. It is important to note that Dailiey, in the example above, did not have a record in the state of West Virginia. His felony and sex offense both occurred in Vermont. If only a state background check was done, this information would never have come to light.
