返回列表 发表时间:2021-12-28    浏览次数:988


犹他州正在采取措施更新在该州护理机构工作的人员的背景调查政策。一项新法案得到了压倒性的支持,以更新对某些员工进行背景调查的方式。在该州直接护理机构工作并直接与患者合作的员工将受到这些自 1998 年以来首次更新的新背景调查要求的约束。



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The state of Utah is making a move to update background check policies when it comes to those who work in care facilities in the state. A new bill has been introduced with overwhelming support to update the way background checks are performed on certain employees. The employees who work in direct care facilities in the state and who work directly with patients are those who will be subject to these new background check requirements that are being updated for the first time since 1998.

This new bill would mean that employees of direct care facilities would no longer have to pay for background checks if they work at more than one facility and instead of only searching regional criminal information, these new checks would be done at the national level.

This expanded coverage is an excellent idea as compared to searching regionally, as such a limited focus leaves a window open for criminal histories to be missed. For example, if an employee had been convicted of elder abuse in New York, this would never show up in a Utah’s current background check.
