新泽西教育委员会成员如果没有通过背景调查就必须辞职的日子已经到来。2011 年通过的一项法律规定,该州所有学校董事会成员在任职前必须接受背景调查。在该州超过 5000 名学校董事会成员中,有 184 名没有完成背景调查并被要求辞职。如果他们不辞职,他们将被撤职。
对与儿童一起工作的任何人进行背景调查是一个绝妙的主意,像 backgroundchecks.com 这样的公司可以让雇主轻松获得他们需要的关于现在和未来员工的信息。他们提供像Single State OneSEARCH这样的产品,可以立即为雇主提供他们需要的有关潜在雇员的所有信息,例如,来自几个州报告机构的信息。
backgroundchecks.com - 全国专业背景筛查协会 (NAPBS®) 的创始成员 - 通过提供全面的筛查服务,为全国成千上万的客户提供服务,从小型企业到财富 100 强公司。 backgroundchecks.com 总部位于德克萨斯州达拉斯,在南卡罗来纳州查平设有东部运营中心,是业内最大的在线刑事定罪数据库之一。有关背景调查产品的更多信息,请访问GOOHO.CN。
The day has arrived where New Jersey Board of Education members must step down if they have not gone through a background check. A law was passed in 2011 that states all members of schools boards in the state must undergo a background check before serving. Out of the over 5000 members of school boards in the state, 184 of them did not get their background checks done and they have been asked to resign. If they do not resign, they will be removed from their positions.
The background checks that the members had to go through are identical to those teachers and volunteers must go through in order to work with children in the state. Many school boards nationwide have enacted similar policies, but New Jersey is the first state to do this for all of their schools.
Getting background checks done on anyone who works with children is an excellent idea and companies like backgroundchecks.com make it easy for employers to get the information they need on present and future employees. They offer products like Single State OneSEARCH that will instantly give employers all the information they need on a potential employee, for instance, from several state reporting agencies.
About backgroundchecks.com
backgroundchecks.com - a founding member of the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS®) - serves thousands of customers nationwide, from small businesses to Fortune 100 companies by providing comprehensive screening services. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, with an Eastern Operations Center in Chapin, S.C., backgroundchecks.com is home to one of the largest online criminal conviction databases in the industry. For more information about backgroundchecks’ offerings, please visit www.backgroundchecks.com.