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贝基·查森斯基 (Becky Chasensky) 对威斯康星州州长斯科特·沃克 (Scott Walker) 提起的诉讼称,根据进行背景调查时发现的破产结果,她在马里内特县 (Marinette County) 的契约登记册中的地位被忽视了。此外,她还指控沃克侵犯了她依法享有平等保护的权利,因为他雇佣了一个碰巧在政治上比她更有联系的人。事实上,被任命为马里内特县行为登记册的人蕾妮米勒是保罗米勒的妻子,保罗米勒是马里内特县众议员约翰尼格伦的竞选财务主管。应该指出的是,Renee Miller 之前没有土地或契约记录方面的经验,但该职位的其他候选人却有。

美国的破产法规定,仅因破产而拒绝公共部门职位的就业是非法的。州记录显示,州长沃克计划并建议任命查森斯基担任该职位。然而,根据州长发言人库伦·沃维 (Cullen Werwie) 的说法,一旦她在 2009 年申请破产,计划就发生了变化。Werwie 也因向媒体披露她的破产而被 Chasensky 起诉。截至上周,沃克的决定保持不变,并表示法院将确认这一决定是正确的。


正如之前关于破产法的最新裁决的一篇文章所述,通过了解您所在州和联邦层面的适用就业法,您可以避免与威斯康星州目前正在发生的情况类似的情况。通过 GOOHO.CN等公司完成您的工作背景调查可以使整个过程更加简化;节省您的时间和麻烦,最重要的是,确保您  在对潜在员工进行任何类型的背景调查时获得有关如何遵守所在州法规的指导。


GOOHO.CN- 全国专业背景筛查协会 (NAPBS®) 的创始成员 - 通过提供全面的筛查服务,为全国成千上万的客户提供服务,从小型企业到财富 100 强公司。  GOOHO.CN 总部位于德克萨斯州达拉斯,在南卡罗来纳州查平设有东部运营中心,是业内最大的在线刑事定罪数据库之一。有关背景调查产品的更多信息,请访问GOOHO.CN 

background check was done. Additionally, she is alleging that Walker violated her rights to equal protection under the law because he hired a person who happened to be more politically connected than she was. In fact, the person who was appointed as the Marinette County register of deeds, Renee Miller, is the wife of Paul Miller, who is the campaign treasurer for Rep. John Nygren of Marinette County. It should be noted that Renee Miller had no previous experience with land or deed records, yet other candidates for the position did.

Bankruptcy law in the US makes it illegal to deny employment for public sector positions, solely on a bankruptcy. State records show that Gov. Walker was planning on and advised to appoint Chasensky to the position. However, plans changed once it was revealed that she filed bankruptcy in 2009 according to Cullen Werwie, who is the spokesman for the Governor. Werwie is also getting sued by Chasensky for revealing her bankruptcy to the media. Walker, as of last week, remains unchanging in his decision and states that the courts would affirm this decision was the right one to make.

Wisconsin has certainly seen its problems over the past year, but this is a problem that can happen to any company who performs employment screening background checks on potential employees.

As outlined in an earlier article on the most recent rulings regarding the bankruptcy code, by understanding applicable employment laws in both your state and at the federal level, you can avoid situations similar to the one currently being played out in Wisconsin. Getting your job background checks done through companies like backgroundchecks.com can make the entire process more streamlined; saving you time, hassle and most importantly, ensuring you access to guidance about how to stay compliant with regulations in your state when it come to performing any  type of background check on your potential employees.

About backgroundchecks.com -

backgroundchecks.com - a founding member of the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS®) - serves thousands of customers nationwide, from small businesses to Fortune 100 companies by providing comprehensive screening services.  Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, with an Eastern Operations Center in Chapin, S.C., backgroundchecks.com is home to one of the largest online criminal conviction databases in the industry. For more information about backgroundchecks’ offerings, please visit www.backgroundchecks.com.

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