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2006 年,塔玛拉·埃里卡·里德 (Tammara Erica Reed) 在访问 Acovy 路一个综合体的一名居民时被谋杀。凶手是 Willie R. Gunn,他在犯罪背景调查上有四项先前的定罪:两项因酒后驾车而被定罪,一项因入店行窃,另一项因诱使未成年人鸡奸而被定罪。他之前也犯过谋杀罪,并在县书记官办公室存档。

去年年底,陪审团投票支持 Reed 的家人,拨款 135 万美元,原因是住宅区当局知道 Gunn 的犯罪历史,并且违反了他们自己的住房协议,将房产出租给了 Gunn,但未能给予足够的赔偿。为居民提供安全保障。

在他的住房面试和申请中,Gunn 谎报了他的犯罪历史,尽管住房主管通过背景调查发现了真相。前住房管理局局长 Faith Johnson 承认她知道包括谋杀在内的定罪,但无论如何都给了 Gunn 住房,尽管这违反了他们自己的住房协议。

为了赔偿幸存家庭成员的身心痛苦、苦难、丧葬费用和她的全部生命价值,该家庭最初获得了 150 万美元的赔偿。经过五天的审判和六小时的审议,这个价格降低了 10%,因为冈恩要对 10% 的过错负责。由此产生的钱将支付给里德幸存的两个儿子,他们现在分别是六岁和七岁。

冈恩被判处终身监禁,不得假释。尽管他是重罪犯,但他也因持有枪支而被判刑。目前尚不清楚枪支的卖方是否使用了背景调查。据目击者称,在枪击事件的前一天晚上,Gunn 和 Reed 就一套车钥匙发生了争执。利用背景调查是住房提供者的重要一步,重要的是想办法在未来避免这样的悲剧。

Late last year, the jury voted in favor of Reed’s family, granting $1.35 million due to the fact that the housing complex authorities were aware of Gunn’s criminal history, and contrary to their own housing agreement, leased the property to Gunn while failing to give adequate security to residents.

During his housing interview and on his application, Gunn lied about his criminal past, though the housing directors found the truth with a background check. The former housing authority director, Faith Johnson, admitted she was aware of the convictions, including the murder, but granted Gunn housing regardless, though it was contrary to their own housing agreements.

Seeking damages for the physical and mental pain of the surviving family members, suffering, funeral expenses and the full value of her life, the family was originally awarded $1.5 million. After a five day trial and six hour deliberation, this price was reduced by 10 percent, as Gunn was held responsible for 10 percent of the fault. The resulting money will be paid to Reed’s surviving two sons, who are now six and seven years old.

Gunn was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. He was also sentenced for possession of a firearm, though he was a convicted felon. Whether the seller of the firearm utilized a background check or not is not clear. According to witnesses, Gunn and Reed had an argument the previous night of the shooting about a set of car keys. Utilizing background checks is an important step for housing providers, and it is important to think of ways tragedies like this can be avoided in the future.
