返回列表 发表时间:2021-11-25    浏览次数:1012


俄勒冈州的日托机构正在质疑该州的背景调查政策,但这并不是因为他们不想筛查他们的员工和志愿者。相反,根据俄勒冈州比弗顿的 KOIN 6 News 报道,全州的几家日托机构都在想,在对日托工作者进行背景调查时,州政府官员是否在尽职尽责。

在位于比弗顿的日托中心 Venture Kidz 儿童中心雇佣了一名在 2013 年因殴打而被判轻罪的工人之后,俄勒冈州的日托背景调查法引起了人们的不满。日托中心遵守了所有法律和政策,并通过该州的公共事务早期学习办公室对该工人进行了背景调查。然而,由于州政府只发回以通过/失败格式显示的结果,Venture Kidz 从未真正知道该员工有犯罪记录。

根据州官员的说法,这名工人已经接受了彻底的背景调查,公共事务早期学习部门知道袭击指控。然而,在工人提供了额外的信息并通过了专业的心理健康评估后,该州决定将背景调查记录为通过。反过来,这个人能够被 Venture Kidz 雇用并与孩子们密切合作。

Venture Kidz 的主管并没有谴责这名工人,甚至没有暗示轻罪会自动取消该人在日托环境中工作的资格。这里的问题是,俄勒冈州的日托中心没有获得了解有关其员工的所有信息的特权。相反,国家正在决定谁适合或不适合在日托中心与孩子一起工作。



The gripe with Oregon's daycare background check laws comes after Venture Kidz Children's Center, a daycare located in Beaverton, hired a worker with a 2013 misdemeanor conviction for assault. The daycare center had complied with all laws and policies, and had run a background check on the worker through the state's Early Learning for Public Affairs office. Since the state only sends back results presented in a pass/fail format, though, Venture Kidz never actually knew that the worker had a criminal record.

According to state officials, the worker was thoroughly background checked, and the Early Learning for Public Affairs department was aware of the assault charge. However, after the worker provided additional information and went through a professional mental health assessment, the state decided to record the background check as a pass. In turn, the individual was able to be hired at Venture Kidz and to work closely with children.

The director at Venture Kidz hasn't condemned the worker in question, or even suggested that a misdemeanor offense would have automatically disqualified the individual from working in a daycare environment. The issue here is that daycares in Oregon are not being given the privilege to know all the information there is to know about their employees. Instead, the state is deciding who is or is not fit to work with kids at daycares.

Daycare owners throughout Oregon, unsurprisingly, would like to have a bit more knowledge about who they are or are not hiring. Right now, the state takes care of the background checks and sends back a very brief document that more or less just says whether or not a daycare can hire the applicant in question. No specific findings of the criminal background check are included in these reports, which means that daycares don't necessarily know whether or not their employees have criminal history. They just know that, if a person has passed the check, then the state considers them hirable, despite any criminal history they may have.

In most cases, the state's word can probably be trusted. However, since the daycare owners are the ones whose reputations and businesses are at stake with the people they hire, it only seems fair that they should be trusted with full background check findings, in addition to the state's pass/fail recommendation.
