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优步陷入困境的背景调查政策遭到了科罗拉多州公共事业委员会 (PUC) 的罚款,这是迄今为止最严厉的谴责之一。根据科罗拉多州监管机构部最近发布的新闻稿,PUC 于 11 月 20 日正式发布了针对 Uber 的民事处罚评估通知。

据报道,CPAN 已发送给 Uber 运营的母公司 Rasier, LLC。890 万美元涉及优步的司机背景调查政策。PUC 声称 Uber 未能阻止“具有不合格犯罪或机动车驾驶资格的个人” 罪行 ,或没有有效执照”,无法在公司担任驾驶角色。

根据韦尔警察局的建议,PUC 在今年早些时候开始调查 Uber 的审查做法。韦尔警方通知市议会官员逮捕了一名被指控殴打乘客的优步司机。在过去的五年中,全国和世界各地的优步司机都涉及袭击、强奸和其他犯罪,通常针对他们的乘客,因此 PUC 决定深入研究为什么优步背景调查没有阻止这些事件。

回顾一年半的记录,PUC 寻找优步可能将乘客置于危险之中的其他情况。报告指定委员会交叉检查优步的背景调查报告与其他背景调查来源的记录,包括县法院和科罗拉多犯罪信息中心。市议会最终提出了一份 57 名优步司机的名单,这些司机本应根据犯罪背景被取消资格。一些司机被判重罪,包括暴力犯罪和性犯罪 
罪行 其他人不顾记录包括酒后驾车、DWI、鲁莽驾驶指控以及吊销或吊销执照,仍在开车。

罪行 被禁止与跨国公司一起驾驶。由于 PUC 发现了其中一些 罪行 在现有优步司机的记录中,由于优步是跨国公司,优步因违反州法律而受到民事处罚。PUC主任道格·迪恩说优步未能发现危险信号 罪行 危及乘客的安全,并证明该公司的背景审查做法“不足”。

根据报告,PUC 通过计费来计算 CPAN 罚款 
拉西尔 每天每次违规 2,500 美元。被取消资格的司机在优步工作的每一天,公司都会因该司机的账户被罚款 2,500 美元。890 万美元的总额分解为每位被取消资格的司机约 156,000 美元。

Per reports, the CPAN was sent to Rasier, LLC, the parent company under which Uber operates. The $8.9 million involves Uber’s driver background check policies. PUC claims Uber failed to prevent “individuals with disqualifying criminal or motor vehicle offenses , or without valid licenses” from taking on driving roles with the company.

The PUC began investigating Uber’s vetting practices earlier this year, coverage notes, on the recommendation of the Vail Police Department. Vail Police informed the PUC officers had arrested an Uber driver accused of assault by a passenger. Uber drivers across the country and around the world have been implicated in assaults, rapes, and other crimes over the past half-decade, usually against their passengers, so the PUC decided to delve deeper to see why Uber background checks weren’t preventing these incidents.

Looking back through a year and a half of records, the PUC looked for other instances where Uber might have put passengers at risk. Reports specify the commission cross-checked Uber’s background check reports with records from other background check sources, including county courts and the Colorado Crime Information Center. The PUC ultimately came up with a list of 57 Uber drivers who should have been disqualified based on their criminal backgrounds. Some drivers had felony convictions, including violent crimes and sexual offenses . Others were driving despite records that included DUIs, DWIs, reckless driving charges, and suspended or revoked licenses.

Colorado law requires Transportation Network Companies to run both criminal history checks and driving record checks on their drivers, coverage notes. Candidates with certain offenses are barred from driving with TNCs. Since the PUC found some of these offenses in the records of existing Uber drivers, and since Uber is a TNC, Uber owes a Civil Penalty for violating state law. PUC Director Doug Dean said Uber’s failure to spot red flag offenses jeopardized the safety of passengers and proved that the company’s background screening practices are “inadequate.”

Per reports, the PUC calculated the CPAN fine by billing Rasier $2,500 per violation per day. For every day a disqualified driver worked for Uber, the company got a $2,500 fine for that driver’s account. The total of $8.9 million breaks down to about $156,000 per disqualified driver.

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