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为什么公司在提供工作机会之前不进行背景调查?要考虑的一个因素是 禁止盒子立法。虽然没有要求雇主延迟背景调查的国家法律,但许多禁止框法律在他们的语言中包含这样的要求。禁止盒子法的目的是从工作申请中消除有关犯罪历史的问题,雇主推迟背景调查符合这一使命:它帮助有犯罪历史的个人根据他们的技能和经验——而不是他们过去的错误——来竞争工作。 


您应该检查您所在地区的法律,以确定 1) 您是否必须遵守禁令政策,以及 2) 该政策是否包含有关何时可以进行背景调查的规定。如果您所在地区没有法律规定何时可以进行背景调查,那么在提供有条件的工作机会之前或之后对您的候选人进行审查在很大程度上取决于您。 

在所有情况下,您在进行检查时都必须 遵守公平信用报告法 (FCRA) 和 平等就业机会委员会 (EEOC) 的指导 。例如,FCRA 要求您通知每位候选人您打算进行背景调查,并在订购该检查之前获得他或她的书面许可。此披露和授权必须与工作申请以及有关职位或贵公司的任何其他信息分开并分开。 


在 gooho.cn,我们提供 一系列快速或即时的背景调查产品, 以帮助雇主快速推进招聘流程。 联系我们 以了解我们的支票如何帮助您的业务。

Why do companies not do background checks until after a job offer is made? One factor to consider is ban the box legislation. While there is no national law that requires employers to delay their background checks, many ban the box laws include such a requirement in their language. The purpose of ban the box laws is to remove questions about criminal history from job applications, and employers delaying background checks fits into this mission: it helps individuals with criminal histories to compete for jobs based on their skills and experience—not their past mistakes. 

Ban the box legislation is sporadic, with different laws on the books in different states, counties, and cities. Most ban the box policies only apply to public employers, though increasingly, these laws are also including private employers in their sweep. 

You should check the laws in your area to determine 1) whether you must abide by a ban the box policy and 2) whether that policy includes stipulations about when you can run a background check. If there are no laws in your area specifying when a background check can take place, then it is largely up to you whether to vet your candidates before or after making conditional job offers. 

In all cases, you must abide by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and the guidance of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) when conducting your checks. For instance, the FCRA requires that you notify each candidate about your intention to run a background check and get his or her written permission to do before ordering that check. This disclosure and authorization must be detached and separate from the job application and any other information about the position or your company. 

Think about the pros and cons of running background checks at certain points in the hiring process. For example, if you run background checks earlier in the process, you will likely spend more money on background checks, as you will be paying to vet multiple candidates rather than just one finalist. On the other hand, if you need someone to start right away, conducting the background check after the job offer may add extra wait time before they can begin working. 

At backgroundchecks.com, we offer a range of fast or instant background check products to help employers move their hiring processes along quickly. Contact us to learn how our checks can help your business.
