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通常,当雇主进行背景调查以寻找犯罪记录时,他们正在寻找过去的定罪记录。他们想知道他们正在考虑雇用的人是否曾经被判有罪,如果有,是哪一个 - 但犯罪历史不仅仅涉及定罪。

其他细节,包括 逮捕历史 和逮捕令,也是一个人犯罪记录的一部分。在这篇文章中,我们将深入探讨有关犯罪背景筛查的常见问题 :背景调查是否显示逮捕令?



  • 逮捕令。 逮捕令是一种由法官签署的刑事逮捕令,赋予执法人员逮捕和拘留逮捕令上指定的人的权力。法官不能在没有表明个人参与犯罪活动的可能原因的情况下签发逮捕令。逮捕令通常是雇主最有兴趣发现的逮捕令类型。

  • 替补令。 替补令是逮捕令的一种。这些逮捕令由法院签发,授权执法部门逮捕个人。逮捕令和法官令之间的区别在于,逮捕令涉及犯罪活动的知识或怀疑,而法官令则涉及违反法院要求的行为。当个人未能在民事或刑事法庭强制出庭时,最常见的法官令状适用。替补令的一个子类别是“证人令”,发给不遵守要求他或她在法庭案件中担任证人的传票的个人。

  • 民事令状。如果一个人不遵守民事法庭的命令,他或她很可能会受到民事逮捕令的约束。该逮捕令超出了要求出庭的范围,包括不遵守法院命令的个人。最常见的例子往往发生在家庭法中,例如涉及父母未能支付子女抚养费的案件。

  • 搜查令。如果警察有合理理由搜查个人财产以获取证据——无论是住宅、企业还是车辆——他们将申请搜查令。该逮捕令通常是调查的一部分,这意味着它通常不会出现在背景调查中。


Other details, including arrest histories and arrest warrants, are also part of a person’s criminal record. In this post, we will delve into a frequently asked question about criminal background screenings: do background checks show warrants?

The simple answer is, yes: background checks do show warrants. That doesn’t mean every background check will show every warrant: as with criminal records, warrants are issued in specific areas and aren’t necessarily reflected in each county court record or criminal history database.

Beyond geography, there is variation in the type of warrant that shows up on a background check. Here are a few types of warrants that may be reflected on a person’s criminal background check report:

  • Arrest warrants. An arrest warrant is a criminal warrant, signed by a judge, that gives law enforcement officials the authority to arrest and detain the person named on the warrant. A judge can’t issue an arrest warrant without probable cause that points to an individual’s involvement in criminal activity. An arrest warrant is typically the type of warrant that an employer will be most interested in discovering.

  • Bench warrant. A bench warrant is a type of arrest warrant. These warrants are issued by a court and authorize law enforcement to arrest an individual. The difference between an arrest warrant and a bench warrant is that while an arrest warrant involves knowledge or suspicion of criminal activity, a bench warrant involves a breach of court-required behavior. The most common bench warrant applies when an individual fails to make a mandated appearance in civil or criminal court. A sub-category of the bench warrant is a “witness warrant,” issued for an individual who fails to obey a subpoena that requires him or her to serve as a witness in a court case.

  • Civil warrant. If a person fails to follow the orders of a civil court, he or she will likely be subject to a civil warrant. This warrant goes beyond required court appearances to include individuals who do not abide by court orders. The most common examples tend to occur in family law, such as cases involving parents who fail to pay child support.

  • Search warrant. If the police have probable cause to search an individual’s property for evidence —be it a residence, a business, or a vehicle—they will apply for a search warrant. This warrant is typically part of an investigation, which means that it generally won’t show up on a background check.

Within each of these categories, the answers to “Do background checks show warrants?” may vary. Search warrants typically will not appear on a background check. Warrants calling for someone’s arrest—including arrest warrants, bench warrants, and civil warrants—may be a part of the public record and therefore a part of a person’s background check. In some states, only law enforcement officials have access to arrest records.