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学院和大学的秋季会怎样?全国各地的学生和家庭都在问这个问题,想知道如何为 9 月及以后做计划。虽然迄今为止的焦点一直是学生是否会返回校园, 但《纽约时报》 最近的 一篇文章 提出了一个不同的问题:教授和教职员工愿意返回校园吗?如果他们不这样做,那么在人员配备、招聘和进行新的学术背景调查方面,教育机构将何去何从 ?

高等教育部门在秋季做什么方面存在分歧。专注于大学事务的报纸《高等教育纪事报》 一直在跟踪 有关秋季学期大学计划的详细信息。根据近 1,100 家机构的公告,60% 的机构计划在今年秋季进行面对面教学,9% 的机构计划采用全在线学习模式,24% 的机构提议将面对面教学和在线教学相结合。剩下的 7% 正在考虑他们的选择并等待做出决定。


尽管采取了这些预防措施,但高等教育机构的许多员工仍对今年秋季重返工作岗位表示担忧。《 纽约时报》 讨论了来自全国各地教授的普遍抵制,其中许多人认为他们正被所在机构的管理人员强迫回到课堂。多所知名大学的教职员工——包括圣母大学、宾夕法尼亚州立大学和伊利诺伊大学——已向其政府发出请愿书,要求自由决定是亲自上课还是虚拟上课。

平均而言,大学教授的年龄偏大,通常处于冠状病毒的高危年龄范围。《泰晤士报》 说,问题的另一部分是 ,由于学生去酒吧、参加聚会和逃避社会疏远准则,几个大学城已被证明是 COVID-19 热点。结果是,教授们报告说,无论他们的学院和大学采取了哪些预防措施,与学生一起回到教室都是不安全的。

在佐治亚理工学院,管理人员告诉教授,他们可以远程教学,但前提是他们年满 65 岁或有特定的健康状况使他们有资格成为高危人群。如果教授无法或不愿意亲自授课,其他学院和大学可能需要聘请新教师来接手课程。

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a recent New York Times article raised a different question: will professors and faculty be willing to return to campus? If they don’t, where will that leave educational institutions regarding staffing, hiring, and undertaking new academia background checks?

The higher education sector is split regarding what to do in the autumn. The Chronicle of Higher Education, a newspaper focused on college and university affairs, has been tracking details about college plans for the fall semester. Based on announcements from nearly 1,100 institutions, 60 percent are planning for in-person instruction this fall, nine percent are planning for an all-online learning model, and 24 percent have proposed a hybrid of in-person and online instruction. The remaining seven percent are considering their options and waiting to make a decision.

Even at colleges and universities that are planning to return to campus in the fall, students will experience a very different version of campus life. Class sizes will be smaller, dormitories will have reduced occupancies, masks will be mandatory in lecture halls, and temperature checks will be required at the entrances of academic buildings. These are just a few of the precautions that schools are taking to keep their students and faculties safe.

Despite these precautions, many employees of higher education institutions report misgivings about returning to work this fall. The New York Times discussed widespread pushback from professors across the nation, many of whom feel that they are being forced back into the classroom by the administrations of their institution. The faculties at multiple high-profile universities—including Notre Dame, Penn State, and the University of Illinois—have sent petitions to their administrations, asking for the freedom to decide whether to hold their classes in person or virtually.

On average, college professors skew older, often landing in the at-risk age range for coronavirus. Another part of the problem, the Times says, is that several college towns have proven to be COVID-19 hotspots, thanks to students who are going to bars, getting together at parties, and shirking social distancing guidelines. The result is that professors report feeling unsafe going back into classrooms with students, no matter the precautions that their colleges and universities are taking.

At Georgia Tech, administrators have told professors that they can teach remotely, but only if they are 65 or older or have a specific health condition that qualifies them as high-risk. Other colleges and universities might need to onboard new faculty to take over courses if professors are unable or unwilling to teach in person.

At gooho.cn, we can help higher education institutions to undertake these last-minute staffing challenges with thorough academia background checks. From criminal history to education and employment verifications, we offer a wide variety of background screening services to curate an adequate background check solution for your college or university. Contact us today for assistance.
