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在美国,有超过 200 万人受雇为家庭护理人员。这个群体包括照顾幼儿、有特殊需要的人和无法完全照顾自己的老年人。作为医疗保健部门的重要组成部分,这些工人让许多老年人在生活在更加私密和舒适的环境中的同时保持一定的独立性。随着全国老年人口数量的增加,看护人的角色变得越来越重要。








一些家庭选择雇用独立于护理机构经营的有执照的护理人员。虽然您可以通过这种方式节省资金并建立更个人的关系,但风险更大。在没有充分了解第三方护理人员的背景以及他们是否会对您所爱的人构成风险之前,请勿雇用第三方护理人员。有许多工具,例如GOOHO.CN提供的工具, 可以让这个过程变得快速而简单。



在进行个人招聘时,使用 GOOHO.CN 美国 OneSEARCH等工具 可以提供对保护您所爱的人免受伤害至关重要的信息。随着老龄化人口不断扩大,越来越多的家庭需要护理援助,安全可靠的审查比以往任何时候都更加重要。

However, there is a complicating factor: the need to keep seniors safe when they are at their most vulnerable. Unfortunately, there is no shortage of news stories about caregivers defrauding or harming those in their care.

The Importance of Background Checks for Senior Caregivers

The role of an in-home caregiver, especially for senior citizens, is unique. These are individuals granted access to someone's whole life, often assisting with everything from basic daily hygiene activities to, in some cases, helping to manage the individual's affairs. With little to no supervision, there are many opportunities for a caregiver to cause harm or steal from their charges. While background checks can't predict future behavior, they can serve as a critical initial barrier to unsuitable candidates.

Check the Policies of Home Healthcare Agencies

Many families hire care providers from large agencies that handle the primary hiring process and the placement of workers into positions that are suitable for their training. However, every state has different requirements for how these agencies conduct their hiring. 

Before signing paperwork or providing payment, ask your chosen agency how they vet new hires. Which background checks do they use? Do your best to determine whether these agencies’ background check procedures follow state law.

Beware of Different Requirements When Making Direct Hires

Some families choose to hire licensed caregivers who operate independently from care agencies. While you could potentially save money and develop a more personal rapport this way, the risks are even larger. Do not hire a third-party caregiver without first fully understanding their background and whether they could pose a risk to your loved one. There are many tools, such as those provided by backgroundchecks.com, that will make this process quick and easy.

Take Steps to Protect Your Loved Ones

If you or someone you know will be hiring an in-home caregiver for a close family member, it is vital to devote your time and energy to understanding the role of background checks in the process. Beware of leaving the entire effort up to a care agency without doing your due diligence on the vetting that they use, how restrictive their hiring requirements are, and the status of their reputation. 

When making individual hires, using tools such as the US OneSEARCH by backgroundchecks.com can provide information that is essential to safeguarding your loved ones from harm. With an expanding aging population and more families facing a need for care assistance, safe and secure vetting is more critical than ever.
