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2020 年 8 月,该系统将哈里斯标记为轻罪:未经许可携带隐藏枪支。由于它的重点是北卡罗来纳州,该系统没有对哈里斯自 9 月以来在俄克拉荷马州拥有、交付、销售和制造吸毒用具而面临的另一系列指控提出指控。这种疏忽促使联合学院的工作人员审查其背景调查协议并考虑采取新的安全措施。

第二个案例来自新奥尔良,最近的一项警方调查和立法审计发现了对学校工作人员进行伪造背景调查的证据。这所学校由位于新奥尔良的 Dryades YMCA 经营,当一名地区官员得知一名新近聘用的学校雇员有涉及未成年人的刑事犯罪记录时,学校受到了审查。定罪应该禁止学校雇用有问题的员工,但没有。


其中一个人是首席财务官卡特里娜·里德(Catrina Reed),她的就业背景调查没有问题,但她于 1996 年承认从她当时工作的一家银行偷窃。目前尚不清楚里德是否应对伪造的背景调查负责,或者学校的其他人是否参与其中。

在 GOOHO.CN,我们可以帮助学校制定政策,对所有教师和员工进行彻底的背景调查。从对县、州、联邦和多辖区数据库的犯罪历史搜索到恢复验证再到持续的犯罪监控,我们与教育机构合作,为各种需求提供强大的背景筛查解决方案。 

 teacher background checks? Two recent news stories concerning potential lapses in teacher background investigations highlight the importance of thorough background checks and regularly revisiting and updating pre-employment screening policies.

The first story comes from Union County, North Carolina, where a teacher and athletic coach was recently involved in a drug-related shootout. The teacher, Barney Harris, worked at Union Academy Charter School located in Union, North Carolina.

Per a report from Campus Safety Magazine, Harris was recently shot and killed by a drug cartel in a drug-related conflict. Police say that Harris and several others went to a mobile home in Alamance County with the intention of stealing drugs and money, at which point the shootout erupted.

The incident has prompted Union Academy to re-examine its teacher background checks. When asked about the school’s policies for vetting staff, John Marshall—head of Union Academy—said that the school has a policy of running thorough background checks on all teachers. Those checks include criminal record checks at local, state, and federal levels, as well as an ongoing background check system that notifies the school if an employee is arrested or charged with a crime in North Carolina.

In August 2020, that system flagged Harris for a misdemeanor charge: carrying a concealed firearm without a permit. Since it focuses on North Carolina, the system didn’t flag another series of charges Harris had been facing since September for the possession, delivery, sale, and manufacturing of drug paraphernalia in Oklahoma. That oversight prompted Union Academy staff to review its background check protocols and consider new security measures.

The second case comes from New Orleans, where a recent police investigation and legislative audit uncovered evidence of falsified background checks for school staff members. Run by the New Orleans-based Dryades YMCA, the school drew scrutiny when a district official learned that a recently-hired school employee had a criminal offense on his record involving a minor. The conviction should have barred the school from hiring the employee in question but didn’t.

That discovery led to a deeper investigation into past background checks, several of which were duplicated in audit files. Additional background history searches found that several employees who had supposedly passed their background checks to work at the school had criminal records that were not reflected on their background checks.

One of those people was CFO Catrina Reed, whose employment background check was clean but who pleaded guilty in 1996 for stealing from a bank where she was working at the time. It is not clear whether Reed was responsible for the falsified background checks or if others at the school were involved.

At backgroundchecks.com, we can help schools develop policies for conducting thorough background checks on all teachers and employees. From criminal history searches of county, state, federal, and multijurisdictional databases to resume verifications to