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在就业之前,FMCSA 要求汽车承运人获得每位司机三年的驾驶和就业历史。在交通运输部(DOT)对已获授权的员工,包括CDL的监督药物和酒精测试程序。DOT 要求雇主进行就业前药物测试并获得三年的药物/酒精违规记录。

FMCSA 和 DOT 制定的其他规定要求雇主持续监控员工。未能进行此项检查的汽车承运人将被处以罚款。虽然在评估罚款时会考虑多种因素,但记录保存罚款从每天 500 美元起,故意伪造记录的罚款为 5,000 美元。



的候选人 FMCSA 要求商业执照司机 (CDL) 的雇主获得三年的工作和驾驶历史。观火背调提供的DAC 就业历史文件CDLIS等来源可帮助汽车承运人快速有效地满足这些要求,同时提供全面而客观的信息。

最初应该进行的另一项检查是SSN 检查,它检查申请人的社会安全号码并确认其在有效范围内,搜索以确定该号码是否属于报告为已故的个人,并提供发布状态和年份. 最后,数据库犯罪检查允许雇主在进行更有针对性的县犯罪调查之前进行广泛的犯罪记录搜索。

核心筛选:扩展筛选并了解更多关于候选人预筛选阶段 CDLIS 报告报告的每个州的候选人
MVR将完成所需的三年驾驶历史。当一名或多名司机以前的雇主不参与 DAC 就业历史档案时,必须向这些雇主发送手动请求以完成所需的三年就业历史。

收集的信息应包括就业日期、担任的职位和重新雇用状态。这证实了以前的就业要求,以帮助确保理想的经验,或揭示所提供信息的差异。核心筛选过程中的另一个关键步骤是扩大对申请人的犯罪记录搜索。雇主可以有效地确定申请人的居住地点,并通过使用姓名和地址 TRAC 报告获取申请人的地址历史记录,自动请求对这些地点进行县犯罪记录搜索。

的要求 交通部 (DOT) 49 CFR 第 40 部分规定了针对受托员工的药物和酒精检测计划。部分要求包括在就业前获得三年的药物/酒精违规记录。使用 观火背调DAC 就业历史文件搜索药物/酒精违规历史可以减轻获取过去违规结果的负担。

DOT 49 CFR 第 40 部分还要求对强制要求的 CDL 司机进行就业前药物测试,因此与拥有药物/酒精测试计划的供应商合作非常重要,该计划满足雇用 DOT 监管的司机的公司的需求,以完成所有 DOT合规性要求。特殊功能包括事故后服务、统计上有效的随机选择以及培训课程和材料。药物检测服务应包括样本采集、实验室检测和由经过认证的医学审查官进行的审查。


DOT 要求汽车承运人每年随机选择一定比例的司机,并测试他们是否吸毒或酗酒。选择具有既定随机选择程序的筛选合作伙伴可确保随机测试在统计上有效并且满足所需的年度百分比。如果发生事故,司机可能需要接受药物或酒精使用测试。确定是否需要进行测试可能具有挑战性,因此请确保测试计划包括一年 365 天、一天 24 小时的紧急或事故后服务。

FMCSA 要求对每位驾驶员的机动车辆报告进行年度审查。除了满足年度 MVR 审查要求外,注册每月监控服务,为驾驶记录发生变化的司机返回 MVR,为全年发生的违规行为提供了额外的保护。这些监控服务可以更快地通知雇主,消除年度审查中发现的意外情况。及早发现不良驾驶员行为将使雇主能够采取纠正措施或提供安全培训,从而降低未来发生事故的风险。

由于卡车运输行业的背景审查法规,选择专门从事旨在保持合规性的服务的审查合作伙伴很重要,同时避免因招聘疏忽而引起的责任。虽然这些最佳实践提供了一般性建议,但 观火背调 可以根据各个公司的需求或特定的工作类别要求为每个级别创建筛选包。

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has established regulations pertaining to background investigations on commercially licensed drivers (CDLs), outlining minimum screening requirements companies that hire CDLs must follow. Now more than ever, companies should consider a screening program that goes beyond the minimum compliance requirements to maximize their return on screening investment.

Motor carriers who develop a rigorous screening program based upon the following best practices may also protect themselves from penalties associated with non-compliance, cargo theft and risks associated with negligent hiring or retention litigation. These guidelines can also help to maintain regulatory compliance and secure a safer workplace.

Background Screening for Compliance
Prior to employment, the FMCSA requires a motor carrier to obtain three-year driving and employment histories on each driver. The Department of Transportation (DOT) oversees drug and alcohol testing programs on mandated employees, including CDLs. The DOT requires employers to conduct a pre-employment drug test and obtain a three-year drug/alcohol violation history.

Additional regulations set forth by the FMCSA and the DOT require employers to monitor their employees on an ongoing basis. Motor carriers who fail to conduct this screening are subject to penalty fines. While a variety of factors are considered when fines are assessed, record-keeping fines begin at $500 per day and the fine for knowingly falsifying records is $5,000.

In addition to meeting compliance requirements, employers should conduct additional background checks to protect themselves from potential litigation and reduce liability. Employers who screen applicants for a history of criminal activity, violence and fraud may be afforded certain protections from accusations of negligent hiring or retention.

A solid, comprehensive screening program helps to demonstrate due diligence and may insulate an employer from a host of potential problems. Approaching screening within the trucking industry in four stages enables an employer to progressively eliminate undesirable or under-qualified candidates at each stage and focus the investment of energy and resources on the best candidates for employment.

Candidate Pre-Screening: Eliminate Candidates Who Do Not Meet Basic Criteria
The FMCSA requires employers of commercially licensed drivers (CDLs) to obtain both a three-year employment and driving history. Sources such as the DAC Employment History File and CDLIS , provided by HireRight, help motor carriers fulfill these requirements quickly and efficiently while providing comprehensive yet objective information.

Another check that should be conducted initially is an SSN check, which examines the applicant’s Social Security Number and confirms that it is in a valid range, searches to determine whether the number belonged to an individual reported as deceased, and provides state and year of issue. Finally, a database criminal check allows an employer to conduct a broad criminal record search before progressing to a more targeted county criminal search.

Core Screening: Expand Screening and Learn More About a Candidate
MVRs from each state reported by the CDLIS report from the Candidate Pre-screen stage will complete the required three-year driving history. When one or more of a driver’s previous employers does not participate in the DAC Employment History File, manual requests must be sent to those employers to complete the required three-year employment history.

Information collected should include employment dates, positions held and rehire status. This confirms previous employment claims to help ensure desirable experience, or reveals discrepancies in provided information. Another critical step in the core screening process is expanding the criminal records search on an applicant. Employers can efficiently determine where an applicant has lived and automatically request county criminal record searches for these locations by using a name and address TRAC report to obtain an applicant’s address history.

Conditional Screening: Meet Requirements for Drug, Alcohol and Health Screening
The Department of Transportation (DOT) 49 CFR Part 40 regulates drug and alcohol testing programs for mandated employees. Part of the requirement includes obtaining a three-year drug/alcohol violation history prior to employment. Using the HireRight DAC Employment History File to search for drug/alcohol violation histories alleviates the burden of obtaining past violation results.

DOT 49 CFR Part 40 also requires a pre-employment drug test on mandated CDL drivers, so it is important to partner with a provider that has a drug/alcohol testing program that meets the needs of companies employing DOT-regulated drivers to fulfill all DOT compliance requirements. Special features include post-accident service, statistically valid random selection and training courses and materials. Drug testing services should include specimen collection, laboratory testing and review by a certified Medical Review Officer.

Insurance premiums for workers’ compensation policies continue to skyrocket. Performing a workers’ compensation search will help identify previous conditions or injuries, enabling an employer to make reasonable accommodations and participate in applicable state second injury funds if necessary. Employers who search workers’ compensation reports before making a final hiring decision can also afford themselves an extra level of protection from professional claimants.

Ongoing Screening: Maintain Compliance Plus a Safe and Productive Work Environment
The DOT requires motor carriers to randomly select a certain percentage of their drivers each year and test them for drug use or alcohol misuse. Selecting a screening partner with an established random selection program ensures random testing is statistically valid and that it meets the required annual percentages. In the event of an accident, a driver may need to be tested for drug or alcohol use. Determining whether or not a test is required can be challenging so make sure the testing program includes emergency or post-accident service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

The FMCSA requires an annual review of each driver’s motor vehicle report. Beyond meeting the annual MVR review requirement, enrolling in a monthly monitoring service that returns MVRs for drivers with changes to their driving record adds an additional layer of protection against violations that occur throughout the year. These monitoring services provide faster notification to the employer, eliminating surprises discovered with the annual review. Early detection of undesirable driver behavior will allow employers to take corrective actions or offer safety training that can reduce the risk of future accident involvement.

Implementing Best Practices for the Trucking Industry
Because of the regulations surrounding background screening in the trucking industry, it’s important to choose a screening partner that specializes in services designed to maintain compliance while protecting against liability due to negligent hiring. While these best practices offer general recommendations, HireRight can create screening packages for each level based upon individual company needs or specific job category requirements.
