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在 1998 年具有里程碑意义的法庭案件中,罗梅罗诉哥伦比亚,原告起诉一名外科医生在常规疝气手术中存在不当行为,导致失血过多和心脏病发作。在法律程序中,据透露,在手头的案件之前,违规医生已被起诉 11 次。事件发生前两个月,该外科医生在另一家州内医院的特权已被暂停。由于外科医生对这家前医院下达了限制令,新医院并不知道这次停办。

在法庭上,目前的医院辩称,其认证过程“非常完整”,但由于没有尽职调查显示出严格的过程,并且在筛选过程中没有记录这么多负面事件,医院被认定有责任。医院总共支付了 2320 万美元的损失。负责此案的麻醉师也应承担赔偿责任。







1. 显示贪污、欺诈或吸毒的犯罪记录
2. 司机违规行为,例如 DWI 或 DUI 以及其他罚款和处罚
3. 工作经历或专业推荐信中的差距,在认证过程中未提及或披露
4. 地址检查揭示医生已获得执照的所有执业州,以及尚未披露的先前医疗实践的任何问题
5. 虐待和性犯罪者登记检查以识别潜在的有害行为



health care background screening program. 

Legal precedent shows a need for more thorough screening

In a landmark 1998 court case, Romero vs. Columbia, a plaintiff sued a surgeon for malpractice during a routine hernia surgery that resulted in an extreme loss of blood and a heart attack. During the legal process, it was revealed that the offending physician had been sued 11 times prior to the case at hand. The surgeon's privileges from another in-state hospital had been suspended two months prior to the incident. Due to a restraining order that the surgeon had placed on this former hospital, the new hospital was unaware of this suspension.

In court, the current hospital argued that its credentialing process was "of the utmost integrity," but without the due diligence showing a rigorous process and with so many negative incidents undocumented during screening, the hospital was found liable. In total, the hospital paid $23.2 million in damages. The anesthesiologist who worked on the case was also held responsible for damages.

As in this case, hospitals are increasingly being held responsible for physician liability issues. Plaintiffs that are injured may have legal recourse on the hospital for malpractice if the credentialing process seems to be incomplete, inadequate or non-existent.

Combine credentialing with a full background check

Credentialing is a best practice and important process to making sure a doctor is competent, but the best way to minimize risk, is for the hospital to combine a strong credentialing program with a strong and comprehensive background screening program. It is also a best practice for a hospital to fully document the credentialing and background screening procedure to establish recourse during legal proceedings.

Vital information that can slip through the cracks of a traditional credentialing process can be uncovered during a routine background check.

What to look for in an effective health care background check

To help mitigate medical credentialing risk, ensure your background screening program includes these checks:

1. Criminal records showing embezzlement, fraud or drug use
2. Driver violations such as DWI or DUI and other fines and penalties
3. Gaps in work history or professional references that are not called out or disclosed during the credentialing process
4. Address checks that reveal all the practice states physicians have been licensed in, and any issues with prior medical practices that have not been disclosed
5. Abuse and sexual offender registry checks to identify potentially harmful behavior

Benefits of health care background checks for hospitals and health care organizations

Including these background checking best practices helps protect the hospital or health care organization in future lawsuits. The information also could identify a doctor's unsuitable lifestyle, and a bad lifestyle often leads to incompetence and malpractice. This more rigorous screening process also nets higher quality doctors, leading to a higher level of patient care and an elevated reputation among patients, physicians and donors.

Are you doing all you can to reduce health care negligent credentialing risk? Download our complimentary white paper: 10 Best Practices in Background Screening for the Health Care Industry.
