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随着社交网站的不断扩展,组织仍然不确定如何将其纳入其就业筛选计划。虽然将其用作人才获取工具有很多好处,但正如HRO Today最近的一篇文章所揭示的那样,使用它来检查候选人或员工的背景时仍然存在许多风险。


最近使用社交网络进行筛选的一个例子是,当候选人在 Twitter 上抱怨他们将从事的工作类型时,工作机会被取消。该公司的一名员工看到了负面帖子,导致候选人没有被录用。

另一方面,雇主在使用社交网络筛选候选人时需要谨慎,因为可能会导致歧视诉讼。使用社交网络进行筛选的一个陷阱是,它可能会无意中暴露出被 EEOC 视为受保护类别的特征。

根据 Klein Zelman Rothermel 的合作伙伴的说法,帮助确保合规性的一个技巧是在您的组织内指定一个“筛选器”,该筛选器仅针对您请求的信息(例如就业或教育经历)审查社交网络配置文件,从而最大限度地降低风险接触可能导致歧视索赔的敏感信息。

要了解将社交媒体纳入背景筛查计划的其他技巧和风险,请阅读完整的 HRO 文章:社交网络诉讼的聚集风暴

2020 年 观火 就业筛选基准报告中了解同行对社交网络筛选的采用率和其他筛选趋势。

employment screening program. While there are many benefits to using it as a talent acquisition tool, many risks remain when using it to check the background of a candidate or employee, as revealed in a recent article by HRO Today.

Many organizations currently leverage social networks in sourcing, allowing them to quickly and efficiently obtain relevant information on potential fits for open positions. This can lead to sourcing that can be completed in a matter of hours or days, not weeks or months. However, the benefits to using social media for employment screening are not as clear or simple.

A recent example of social networking being used to screen came when a job offer was rescinded when the candidate complained on Twitter about the type of work they would be doing. An employee of the company saw the negative post, which resulted in the candidate not being hired.

On the other hand, employers need to be cautious in using social networking to screen candidates, as discrimination lawsuits could result. One pitfall of using social networking to screen is that it may unintentionally reveal a characteristic that is considered a protected class by the EEOC.

One tip to help ensure compliance, according to a partner at Klein Zelman Rothermel, is to designate a “screener” within your organization that reviews social networking profiles for only the information you request, such as employment or education history, thus minimizing the risk of exposure to sensitive information that could result in discrimination claims.

To learn other tips and risks of including social media as part of your background screening program, read the full HRO article: The Gathering Storm of Social Network Litigation

Discover the adoption rate of social networking screening by your peers and other screening trends in the 2010 HireRight Employment Screening Benchmarking Report.
