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就业筛查已经发展到美国工作场所中几乎无处不在的地方,几乎所有接受观火2020 年就业筛查基准报告调查的组织都报告说,它有某种背景筛查计划

对于这 97% 的受访者来说,背景筛查会产生清晰、易于识别的好处。事实上,参与调查的雇主表示,平均而言,背景筛查计划为其组织带来了 2.4 项好处。

此外,超过 40% 的受访者指出,他们过去曾经历过可以通过就业筛选计划来预防的工作场所事故。

雇主信用就业筛选以提高雇用质量 与
2012 年一样,最大的好处是“提高了雇用质量”。这一最高收益与受访者连续第二年报告的最重要的业务挑战是人才获取和保留方面持续斗争相吻合





雇主将“提高监管合规性”列为进行就业筛选的第三大好处。由于受访者对合规性的持续担忧(它在 2013 年的首要业务挑战中排名第二),根据不断变化的监管框架定期重新评估的强大而有效的背景筛查计划可以帮助缓解其中一些焦虑。


除了这些好处之外,观火的 2020 年就业筛选基准报告探讨了其他关键问题、趋势和影响背景筛选计划的潜在业务驱动因素。

现在是第六个年头,该报告还关注这些项目,探索政策和实践。2020 年报告基于对 1,600 多名受访者的调查结果,其中包括人力资源 (HR)、安全和其他各种行业和组织规模的管理专业人士。

Employment screening has evolved to a near ubiquitous place in the landscape of the U.S. workplace, with almost every organization polled by HireRight’s 2013 Employment Screening Benchmarking Report survey reporting that it has some sort of background screening program in place.

For these 97% of respondents, background screening produces clear, easily identifiable benefits. In fact, employers taking the survey indicated, on average, 2.4 benefits that a background screening program has brought to their organization.

Furthermore, more than 40% of respondents noted that they had historically experienced a workplace incident that could have been prevented via an employment screening program.

Employers Credit Employment Screening for Improvements in Quality of Hire
The top benefit is, once again as it was in 2012, an “improved quality of hire”. This top benefit dovetails nicely with the ongoing struggles with talent acquisition and retention that were reported by respondents, for the second year in a row, as their foremost business challenge.

Even in the face of a weak job market, employers are still struggling with this function, likely due to a deficit of qualified applicants for open positions. Background screening helps these employers ensure that candidates are qualified for the jobs they’re seeking.

This is especially important, given that two-thirds of respondents reported uncovering an applicant who lied on his or her resume. Employment screening also helps improve quality of hire by eliminating individuals from consideration who are unsuitable for hiring for the open position, given specific, related red flags in their histories.

Reductions in Risk
Many other cited benefits of background screening center on the risk mitigation rewards such a program can bring to an organization.The second most named benefit is “improved safety and security”, demonstrating that employers see a direct correlation between employment background checks and the safer working environment they can engender. Other critical risk management benefits cited by respondents include reductions in negligent hiring risks, illicit drug use, workplace accidents and violence, and employee theft.

Employers named “improved regulatory compliance” as the third top benefit of conducting employment screening. With respondents’ continued concerns over compliance (it held the #2 spot for top business challenge of 2013), a robust and effective background screening program that is regularly re-evaluated in light of an evolving regulatory framework can help assuage some of these anxieties.

Nevertheless, employers will need to remain vigilant as laws and regulations that affect the hiring process continue to change.

Full Report Available
In addition to these benefits, HireRight’s 2013 Employment Screening Benchmarking Report explores other key issues, trends, and underlying business drivers affecting background screening programs.

Now in its sixth year, the Report also focuses on these programs, exploring both policy and practices. The 2013 Report is based on survey results from more than 1,600 respondents, including human resource (HR), security, and other management professionals in a wide range of industries and organization sizes.

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