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背景调查所需的 7 位关键团队成员


监察长办公室(OIG) ,州和联邦机构一起,为医疗保健行业提供合规性指引,以防止欺诈和保持病人和工作人员的安全。任何违反合规性的行为,例如雇用被排除在外的个人,都可能导致巨额罚款和处罚,从而损害组织的底线,更重要的是损害其声誉。




  1. 项目经理:项目经理是联络中心,充当背景筛选服务与其他团队成员之间的联络人。该个人协调任务并收集资源以帮助确保员工筛选计划的成功实施。

  2. 执行发起人:员工筛选计划的执行发起人拥有该项目。此人确保所需的资源可用。此外,他或她有权确保在整个组织范围内采用和使用背景筛选系统。

  3. 项目经理:项目经理负责监督招聘流程,并且是实施背景筛查项目的关键决策者。担任此角色的人对所有计划决定做出最终批准。

  4. 主题专家:使用具有日常员工筛选专业知识的各种个人。这些人了解医疗保健提供者面对新员工或供应商的风险。他们还熟悉不同类型的背景调查、合规标准和员工筛选中的潜在差距。这些专家在程序的流程定义和测试阶段是非常宝贵的。

  5. 信息安全团队代表:从减轻 HIPPA 违规行为到数据安全威胁,信息安全专家帮助组织遵守确保隐私和数据安全所需的安全要求。

  6. 法律或合规团队代表:除了保护患者和工作人员之外,保护组织筛选的个人的权利也很重要。法律或合规专家可以帮助团队制定有关筛选新员工、志愿者和供应商以及未来重新筛选的政策和程序。此人还熟悉需要注意的特定于组织的合规性问题。

  7. 协调员:协调员是了解新员工筛选计划所有来龙去脉的人。此人向组织内的适当角色提供有关该计划的培训。





The Office of Inspector General (OIG), along with state and federal agencies, offers compliance guidelines for the health care industry to prevent fraud and keep patients and workers safe. Any compliance violations, like hiring an excluded individual, can result in large fines and penalties that can hurt an organization’s bottom line and, more importantly, its reputation.

Background Screening Implementation Team Members

By working with an employment screening provider, you can establish an effective employee background screening program that mitigates risks and improves the quality of individuals hired. To implement a background screening program successfully, you need a team of cross-functional individuals to serve as leaders from the start.

When starting an employee screening program, you’ll need the following teammates:

  1. Project Manager: The project manager is the central point of contact, acting as a liaison between the background screening service and the rest of the team members. This individual coordinates tasks and gathers resources to help ensure the successful implementation of the employee screening program.

  2. Executive Sponsor: The executive sponsor of an employee screening program owns the project. This individual makes sure that the resources needed are available. Additionally, he or she has the authority to ensure organization-wide adoption and use of the background screening system.

  3. Program Manager: The program manager oversees the hiring process and is the key decision maker in regards to implementing a background screening program. The person in this role gives final approval for all program decisions.

  4. Subject Matter Experts: Use various individuals with daily use employee screening expertise. Such individuals have knowledge about the risks that health care providers face with new employees or vendors. They’re also familiar with the different types of background checks, compliance standards and potential gaps in employee screens. These experts are invaluable during the process definition and testing phases of the program.

  5. Information Security Team Representative: From mitigating HIPPA violations to data security threats, an information security specialist helps an organization maintain compliance with the security requirements needed to ensure privacy and the safety of data.

  6. Legal or Compliance Team Representative: In addition to protecting patients and workers, it’s important to protect the rights of the individuals that the organization screens. A legal or compliance expert can help the team set up policies and procedures regarding the screening of new employees, volunteers and vendors, and future re-screenings. This individual is also familiar with organization-specific compliance issues that need attention.

  7. Coordinator: The coordinator is the individual who knows all the ins and outs of the new employee screening program. This person provides training about the program to the appropriate roles within the organization.


Planning Considerations

A good employee screening provider offers a dedicated team of experts who have experience in project management and change management. For larger screening program implementations, it is a good idea to have the provider work with an account manager who becomes part of the team until after the implementation of the program.

The role of a dedicated project manager is one that the screening partner should fill with an individual who has expertise in the background screening field. In addition to acting as a liaison between the screening provider and the health care organization, this individual ensures the accurate and timely delivery of the services provided.
