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事实上,观火的 2020 年就业筛选基准报告显示,55% 的雇主正在积极招聘具有外国背景的候选人。



  1. 防止疏忽的招聘索赔。对于现代组织而言,


  2. 验证您的候选人是否真的拥有他们声称的经验。


  3. 更好地确保所有求职者的招聘实践一致。


  4. 提高您的整体招聘质量。 

  5. report struggling with talent acquisition. As a result, many are turning to non-traditional sources of talent, like recruiting from abroad.

  6. HireRight’s 2013 Employment Screening Benchmarking Report, in fact, reveals that 55 percent of employers are actively recruiting candidates with foreign backgrounds.

  7. This new talent pool, however, has not fully translated into transformed employment screening practices, as the same report shows that nearly a third of employers aren’t verifying the histories and qualifications of these candidates. Overlooking this candidate population could be the result of a few common misperceptions about global background screening.

  8. Employers who aren’t background screening their candidates who have lived, worked, or studied abroad should remember that there are a number of tangible benefits produced by a program that includes global background checks. These include:

  9. Protect against negligent hiring claims.
    Negligent hiring is a very real—and very frightening—risk for modern organizations. If a worker causes harm to another individual within the scope of his or her job, and the employer cannot demonstrate that it exercised reasonable diligence when evaluating that individual’s fitness for the job, the organization could potentially be held liable for negligent hiring.

    Organizations can better insulate themselves from the risk of these claims by performing an appropriate background check for every candidate, even those with foreign elements in the backgrounds.

  10. Verify your candidates really have the experience they claim.
    Since global background checks are still not widely adopted among employers, some candidates may be taking advantage of this hole in an organization’s program by claiming degrees from foreign universities or citing employment histories in other countries, hoping that their prospective employer will not check these aspects of their resumes.

    To better ensure that your candidates have the proper qualifications and experience required, verifying these background elements should be an integral part of your screening program.

  11. Better ensure consistent hiring practices for all job candidates.
    Consistent background checks across job descriptions are important in better protecting you from claims of discriminatory hiring practices.So, if you’re not verifying the foreign experience of your job applicants, this could expose you to costly and time-consuming litigation. Consider a scenario in which you have two applicants for the same open position, one of whom claims a degree from a foreign institution.

    If you only verify the education of the candidate who attended college domestically, you’ve created a situation that could potentially hurt your organization.

  12. Improve your overall quality of hire. 
    Just as it does domestically, global background screening can promote a better quality of hire by authenticating qualifications and experience, identifying any possible concerns in a candidate’s background, and verifying the integrity of the individual.

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