对歧视性做法的日益敏感促使组织寻找更好地保护自己免受个人诉讼、集体诉讼以及美国平等就业机会委员会 (EEOC) 和其他监管机构审查的方法。
Increased sensitivity to discriminatory practices is leading organizations to look for ways to better protect themselves from individual litigants, class-action lawsuits, and scrutiny from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commissions (EEOC) and other regulatory bodies.
To respond to this shifting environment, many employers are changing their hiring methods–specifically how they use the information provided during a background check.
They’re moving away from a one-size-fits-all approach, in which they may have decided not to hire any candidate with a criminal record, to a case-by-case evaluation of each candidate’s specific history and that history’s applicability to the individual position.
Yet, this may be a daunting proposition for many employers, which are probably already struggling with time-to-hire issues and internal resource demands. How can you allocate the time and effort needed to properly execute a tailored hiring assessment for every candidate, when you’re likely already overwhelmed with other projects?
One solution is to consider partnering with an established background screening provider. A sophisticated background screening partner can help you construct a comprehensive matrix of consistent adjudication standards, one that allows you to make a tailored hiring decision for the entire range of positions in your organization.
Creating this type of decision-making guiding document can help you achieve a number of objectives, including:
Leaving behind antiquated hiring rules. Documenting new standards can assist you to move away from old policies that are no longer applicable in the modern regulatory environment toward ones that are more precise.
Determining your requirements. Developing this matrix means you should document the various characteristics (e.g., responsibilities, exposure to customers, etc.) of positions within your organization that would mandate the specific hiring criteria for that position.
Defining red flags that would trigger an assessment. Once job-specific requirements are documented, you can identify not only those specific indicators that would mandate a closer look at a candidate’s history, but how recently those indicators need to have occurred to merit the examination.
Crafting your employment screening and hiring procedures. The building blocks above can help you create your formal hiring and screening policy, one that everyone in your organization understands and follows. The policy should address whether your organization will consider individual factors like rehabilitation efforts as part of its hiring assessments, and if so, how it will go about procuring and weighing this information.
Providing a foundation for new and ongoing training. Employers should create an organization-wide knowledge of the new hiring policies and procedures by giving their employees regular training.